Wow, I can’t believe I’ve been away for a whole month. It seems like it’s been sooooo much longer. Seriously, if someone told me it had actually been years, I would believe them. …
Dec 2, 2024 • Subscribe
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Irrelevant Post: Camp NaNoWriMo
Many of you know that November is National Novel Writing Month, and those of you who have been following this blog religiously – both of you. Thanks! –…

I’m Back. (My Plans for 2022)
Not like I’m announcing it to the whole world or anything, but hey. It feels good to say it. New logo, new look, new site; same me. Let’s…

I’m Back. (My Plans for 2022)
Not like I’m announcing it to the whole world or anything, but hey. It feels good to say it. New logo, new look, new site; same me. Let’s…

I’m Back. (My Plans for 2022)
Not like I’m announcing it to the whole world or anything, but hey. It feels good to say it. New logo, new look, new site; same me. Let’s…
I’m back!
Hey everyone! It’s been almost a year since I’ve last posted, and after all that time I’ve come to realize a few things. But before I get to…
I’m back!!
Hi guys, Sirius here!! It’s been awhile. If I recall, the last time I made a post in this old … More
I’m Back!
Let's catch up! I will explain where I've been and, more importantly what's up next for Couch and Chill. Welcome back! I hope you stick around.
I’m Doing NaNoWriMo Again This Year! (And More Site Updates)
What’s upcoming on the website this month? I’m really looking forward to Attack on Titan the Final Season. Also, is anyone else doing # NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo 2023 Update
It’s November 2023 which means it’s time to attack NaNoWriMo once more. I’ve succeeded three times before, but I’ve struggled to write since 2020… So, this is my…

I’m Back! Jojune Rundown
Greetings, fabulous people of the Internet! Hanime on Anime here, back from a crazy busy past few weeks, now a newly married woman! And I can’t think of…

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Blog Update: I’m Back, Oops
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NaNoWriMo Update (Week Three)
It’s the third week of NaNoWriMo. By now the story should be beginning to take shape, that is if you’ve been keeping up with you word counts… I’ll…
NaNoWriMo Update (Week Four)
And that’s it! NaNoWriMo is over for another year. So, I guess the big question on everyone’s lips is how did I do? Well, have a seat and…

Camp NaNoWriMo (July 2020)
A blog focused on gaining experience about art. Writing in particular.

Guest Post: Back From The Dead
I’ve recently been watching Zombie Land Saga, which is an extremely delightful show. At the beginning of the first episode, our protagonist Sakura Minamoto gives us a standard…

Looking Back and Moving Forward (Update Post)
4 years can really change a person…

I’m back! – Spring 2021 – Week 10/11
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Happy New Year post! Looking back at 2018
Thought I'd kick off the year with a bit of reflecting as well as looking forward.

Well-well, I guess I’m back for now.
As I find myself devoid of suitable place for my thoughts, I find myself back here. Posting my little thoughts on animation on a blogging site. I guess…

Hey I’m Coming Back for Real this Time
I know I have dropped off the radar for a while even though I said I was coming back. However, I have a reason since I left I…

NaNoWriMo 2020: To Go Even Further Beyond!
A blog focused on gaining experience about art. Writing in particular.

So, I’m a Fujoshi: A Look Back at My Growth Within the Boys Love Fandom
Growth is a normal part of life. I am not the same person I was a year ago, a week ago, or even yesterday. Everybody goes through changes…

Looking Back and Moving Forward, Part Two (Update Post)
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Sam Riegel Announces Cancer Diagnosis, Recovery
Actor, voice director, and writer Sam Riegel announced on Monday that he was diagnosed with, and is recovering from, oropharyngeal carcinoma — a type of throat cancer that…

The Recovery Of An MMO Junkie
Episodes: 10 Summary: Moriko Morioka is logging out of real life and into the online world of gaming! After a less than ideal experience working in the real…

Breaking News From D.J. Lewis: I’m Back! (Sort of…)
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Recovery of an MMO Junkie First Impressions
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I’m Back! (Kinda) + More Posts Incoming + Thanks for 7 Years!
Hi all! I realize it’s been well over a month since my last post. I’m terribly sorry about that. Looking at my social media presence in general, you…

I’m Back into Anime! (What’s been going on with me?)
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Final WP Post and Why I’m Moving the Blog (to Substack)
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Final WP Post and Why I’m Moving the Blog (to Substack)
Hello! So, as you can probably tell by the title, a pretty big thing is going to happen with this blog. I know this is really sudden and…

Genre conventions and a gentle story of recovery in My New Boss is Goofy
Momose’s trauma is a constant throughline in the series, but we can rest assured that he’s going to be okay—while there are dark moments, the light-hearted nature of…

Manga Review: Talk to My Back
Title: Talk to My Back / Shin Kirari Mangaka: Yamada Murasaki US Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly Status: Complete Age Relevance: Adult How Essential Is It?: Must Have for …
My Grand Fire Emblem 7 Post PART2
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My Grand Fire Emblem 7 Post PART1
the resolution could be higher, could it not Year 2003 – I was somewhere around 14. A lot of important stuff happened that year, but for me personally,…
Post #150|My Love Story Animé Review
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100th Post – Reflections on my Blogging Experiences
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The role anime studios play in disaster recovery
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Looking Back at My Manga of 2023
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Holiday Review #8 - TALK TO MY BACK
Others looked back to the past and towards the more alternative side of manga to find the unique voices of women who would otherwise go unn...
Holiday Review #8 - TALK TO MY BACK
Others looked back to the past and towards the more alternative side of manga to find the unique voices of women who would otherwise go unn...
Whoops, just to add to my last post...
No post summary was provided.
Post-Covid Japan: 6 destinations that will transport you back in time
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Post-Covid Japan: 6 destinations that will transport you back in time
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Stray Dog, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, and TWOCAR
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Stray Dog, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, and TWOCAR
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