Welcome back one and all to my little monthly round-up. Keeping with the spirit of the past month, I just want to say I’m incredibly thankful for all the amazing bloggers, content creators an…
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November 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the best monthly blog post on Wordpress, if I do say so myself, my Monthly Favorites! I might be more or less absent from blogging,…

November 2023 Monthly Favorites
Hello, hello and welcome back to your favorites monthly feature! It’s been a bit of a sparse month on my end in terms of finding the best of…
November (2020) Monthly Favorites
Hey all, it’s that blogger feature I do on a monthly basis back at it again! Can’t say much about this month has changed all that much. A…

November & December 2021 Monthly Favorites
It has been awhile, but I am back! After an unintentional haitus in November, I have that meaty double feature I have promised. I’ve consumed a lot of…

September 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome one, and welcome all to the best blog feature of them all – my monthly favorites. It’s a jam packed entry this time around. So I’m not…

June 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the the Monthly Favorites! Due to extenuating circumstances, this month’s feature is incredibly thin on my end. That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t good stuff…

October 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome one and all, to the least creepy blog post of them all. I’m trying to be creative here folks, and I am floundering. Still, you guys know…

May 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the once-a-month feature that rarely fails! The Monthly Favorites of mine. Aside from travel escapades due to interviewing for work, I did manage to help…

March 2024 Monthly Favorites
While this is being published on April 1st, this isn’t an April Fool’s Day Prank! It is in fact the one, and only Monthly Favorites. I have a…

February 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to your favorite feature section. This month has a lot of important stuff regarding Wordpress, some technical news on my end, and a lot of good…

July 2024 Monthly Favorites
Hello bloggers, it is the feature that never fails – my Monthly Favorites! This month has been a lot of big surprises. I had a record number of…

April 2024 Monthly Favorites
The passage of time is an absolutely CRAZY thing. I somehow nearly forgot that I went out of my way to be in the path of totality to…

August 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to your favorite monthly featurette – my Monthly Favorites of course! I have a lot to get into so let’s dive into it.

January 2024 Monthly Favorites
Welcome one and all to the first installment of your favorite blogger feature, my Monthly Favorites. This month as I dip into last year’s posts I might have…
Monthly Report for November 2024
I'm continuing to add entries without descriptions to the Tokyo Stroll web supplement pages. Instead there will be a notice that says "Descr...

Monthly Ultra Connection (November 2024 Edition)
Some general overall thoughts I really need to change the cover photo I have for this post. Otherwise, it has been an interesting month of mostly good Ultraman…

January 2025 + December 2024 Monthly Favorites
Well I got very ambitious thinking I could pull off a last minute end of the year monthly favorites coming right off a vacation (pictured above). That did…

Listening to Japanese Music: Monthly Recommendation Roundup (November 2024)
Thankful for yet another month filled with Japanese music.

February 2021 Monthly Favorites
Hello and once again welcome back to my Monthly Favorites. It’s a section I manage to crank out once a month gathering the good stuff to introduce or…

February Monthly Favorites 2023
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites! This month has had it’s unique challenges on my end. It’s still a WIP for me, but my five years of habits…

February 2025 Monthly Favorites
This month has been pretty intense in both good and bad ways. The intensity on concert going, which I’ve already recapped this month. I still catch myself replaying…

July 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to me featuring a bunch of things that I enjoyed this month! We have quite the line-up this month and I think just about anyone who…

December 2023 Monthly Favorites
So, this post is a bit goofy on my end. I had some surprise post-Christmas travel which meant that 1) didn’t have a lot of time to read…
May (2020) Monthly Favorites
Once again, we are back at it with my Monthly Favorites. A little less about me this month since, well, not much has happened. Thankfully. I go to…

March 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back folks to the Monthly Favorites! My little contribution back to the community as I showcase some posts I came across this month. A quick update from…

July 2022 Monthly Favorites
Hello there folks, and welcome back to one of my two reoccuring features – the Monthly Favorites. July seems to have come and went for me. A good…

May 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to my little corner of the internet where I gather some of the gems I’ve come across the past month! It’s going to be an interesting…

October 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites! Glad you made it! I’d like switch it up a little this time and start with – I sincerely hope this season…
August (2020) Monthly Favorites
Hello again friends! It feels like it’s been longer then a month for me writing up a proper Monthly Favorites Post. I tend to be a weird mix…
June (2020) Monthly Favorites
Hello again friends and strangers alike. It it once again, the end of the month and boy has this been a bit of a long one for all…

September 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to my monthly feature film that highlights the best (in my opinion of course) the Wordpress blog-o-sphere has to offer. I’m always welcome to newcomers, so…

May 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back one and all, with another edition of things I’ve come across this past month that I would consider a favorite! I’ve had a very action packed…

April 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to my humble monthly feature of content from everyone but me! This month has a pretty solid stack from all the usually places, and even more!…

June 2022 Monthly Favorites
Well folks, we are back at it again with another installment of the Monthly Favorites series. By now you all know how this series works so I won’t…

February 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites! Sorry about not having a nature photo for this month; I didn’t get any good shots. So… an Instagram photo of my…

January 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome to the January 2021 Monthly Favorites! Despite it all, we’ve managed to make it to the first edition of this section for the new year. It’s exciting,…

January 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to your second favorite monthly feature from my blog. It’s a section I love putting together, despite me somehow not putting this together until the last…

January 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome to the first installment of the Monthly Favorites! It’s now a whole month into 2023 – amazing. As always, I have a big ol’ collection of posts…

March 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites. It’s been a bit of a doozy in terms of me and my content this past month, so thank you all for…
July (2020) Monthly Favorites
This month… I’ve been off my game. This particular feature post is a bit sparse but focused. So without further ado, let’s get into the good stuff!

August 2021 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the monthly feature I do that people seem to really enjoy reading, and I really enjoy putting together! What a mutually beneficial relationship! This month,…

October 2021 Monthly Favorites
It’s the feature that never fails, it makes me want to flail my hands, it’s the ever beloved Monthly Favorites hosted by me! RisefromAshes! What a time to…
April (2020) Monthly Favorites
Hello friends, and internet people who stumble upon my blog from time to time. It’s once again the time of the month where I bundle up all the…

April 2022 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites that always appear without fail. Sometimes the timing is weird, but nonetheless appear at the end of the month. I’m in a…

May 2022 Monthly Favorites
Hello and welcome back to one of the few consistencies of my blog and that is my Monthly Favorites! People are use to the format, so let’s go…

September 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to your favorite feature! This month is surprisingly stacked since I was pretty intentional about finding new blogs, at least to me!, to follow. Do forgive…

October 2023 Monthly Favorites
Hello there folks! I hope your October was another solid edition to your 2023. My October consisted of a few side-trips around my area to see some local-ish…

June 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back one and all to the Monthly Favorites! It feels like it’s been forever since… it has been quite awhile for me to sit down and write.…

April 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to the Monthly Favorites! This month I actually did a fair amount of behind-the-scenes work. I’m not quite ready to official announce most of it, yet.…
December (2020) Monthly Favorites
Welcome to the final installment of Monthly Favorites in 2020!~ I’ll admit this month is small, but very well curated in my opinion. Also bonus points if you…