Years ago, she was Chinese.
Nov 10, 2024 • Subscribe
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Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 3
Quick, someone dye their hair orange.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 5
“Hello, I like money!”

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 11
“I guess we really are ‘Love Live! Superstar!!'”.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 4
Naturally, the best way to support someone is to show them how much they suck.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 3
Why do I hear boss music?

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 9
I don’t think I’m ready to finish “Superstar!!”.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 6
With Keke’s arc, it’s been a long time coming.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 7
Wien and Tomari chooses violence and Kanon is all for it.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 8
The gang is all here…again…for real this time.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 2
A missed opportunity is not having Wien do an apology video with Tomari adding a dozen ad breaks.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 10
If Honoka can be student council president, then anything is possible.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 5
This seems to be a test, both for the club and Chisato.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 3
Duets are surprisingly hard to come by in this series.

Love Live Superstar: Ep 5 Impression
Kanon and Keke’s performance of Tiny Stars at the School Idol Festival has given them more recognition than they initially thought. Their participation at the festival was only…

Love Live Superstar: Ep 3 Impression
The first three episodes of Love Live Superstar have been very telling in how much of a fight Kanon can put up when against the odds. Kanon has…

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 3) – Ep. 12 (Series Finale)
I hope this is the last traditional “Love Live!” because this iteration is as good as it’s going to get.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 9
Find someone who’ll hate you as much as Keke and Sumire hate each other.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 11
Kanon studying abroad and dealing with Wien’s ego is a good enough premise to be its own show.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 7
A missed opportunity here is not having Ren play a rhythm gacha mobile game and whale for a UR idol.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 12 (Season Finale)
Honestly, this might be my favorite season of “Love Live!” so far.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 8
All that location scouting and they settle on some other street near the school.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 4
Still a more stable ship than Keke and Sumire.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 10
Rematch of the century right there.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 6
The gang is all here…again.

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 1
“Please join our club. It took us two hours to set all of this up.”

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 2
You know someone needs to hit the gym if Keke of all people is giving them pointers.

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #10
Well everyone, here’s Natsumi Onitsuka where she’s doing a live stream to determine if Liella moves onto the next round of Love Live! or not. It would be…
Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #09
Well everyone, the day has arrived where Liella has 11 members. While Tomari managed to get used to her new environment thanks to her big sister Natsumi, there’s…
Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #07
Well, they’re back in Japan after visiting Keke Tang’s home country in the previous two episodes. While the amazing collaboration between Liella and Tomakanote in Shanghai, China is…
Yuri Quickie: Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3
This third season is getting a Quickie because there is not much new I can add that I have not already in the G-Views of the previous two…

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #02
Well everyone, you’ve seen the shocking event where Kanon Shibuya joins Margarete Wien’s school idol club. Unfortunately for Kanon, Margarete doesn’t want ex-Liella members as she…
The Anime Rambler – By Benigmatica
Kanon, Love Live! Superstar!!, Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #08
So, are we ready for the showdown between two school idol groups that would determine who will represent Yuigaoka Girls’ Academy? Well, Liella is ready to take on…

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #04
Let’s begin this episode with a flashback where a young Natsumi Onitsuki is writing something from her notebook. Also, Tomari is curious on what her sister is writing…

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #12
Well everyone, it’s the final episode of Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 as Kanon Shibuya is preparing her luggage as she head to Austria after graduation, although she…
The Anime Rambler – By Benigmatica
Kanon, Love Live! Superstar!!, Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #06
Let’s begin with Margarete Wien where despite being hostile towards Liella, it seems that she has her moments where Margarete acts like a dork.

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #05
Let’s begin this episode where mid-terms exams have finally ended. While a few of them will take remedial classes soon, let’s focus on both Tomari Onitsuka and Margarete…

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #11
Let’s begin with Margarete Wien where she told Kanon Shibuya that she got a call… from Margarete’s sister. Oh boy, could it be that Kanon will be going…
The Anime Rambler – By Benigmatica
Kanon, Love Live! Superstar!!, Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #01
It’s been more than 2 years since the previous season where Yuigaoka Girls’ Academy’s school idol group Liella won the Love Live! tournament in their second attempt, although…

Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 Episode #03
Meanwhile at the old school idol club, Liella is having a crisis of their own as Margarete’s new school idol club is making waves across Yuigaoka Girls’ Academy…

Love Live! Superstar!! (Season 2) – Ep. 12 (Season Finale)
If any iteration of “Love Live!” deserves a third season, it’s “Superstar!!”.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 4
It’s because she doesn’t have orange hair, isn’t it?

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 2
It wouldn’t be “Love Live” without at least one character struggling with physical activity.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 6
Time for Chisato to make it official.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 7
Spoken like a true politician!

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 1
Tell her the school is going to shut down. That’ll convince her to join.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 9
I would’ve gone with Five Mermaids.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 11
It’s just Kanon on the stage, singing her heart out.

Love Live! Superstar!! – Ep. 8
The gang is all here…for now.