Rating : 75/100 Oh, Kanon . I watched the 2006 version of this anime back when it first aired and got fansubs, and while I did get a majority of the DVDs, I never managed to finish the English dub beyond the first few episodes due to other obligations. I wasnt sure if Id ever go back to…
Sep 17, 2024 • Subscribe
Kanon, One: To a Shining Season, Sasami Magical Girls Club, Tactics, Clannad
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Fire Emblem Fates OST
Rating : 80/100 So who here has heard of Junichi Sato? Hes a fairly prolific anime director with years of experience under his belt. Even if you havent…
Magical DoReMi, Princess Tutu, Sailor Moon, Tamayura OVA, Tamayura Hitotose
Fire Emblem Fates OST
Rating : 85/100 Whats with all these anime about girls making rock bands? Did Bang Dream start this new trend? And whats this? Toei is putting their hat…
Firechick's Game Reviews: Fire Emblem Fates
Rating : 56/100 Oh, Fire Emblem Fates . After the runaway success of Fire Emblem Awakening a few years before, Intelligent Systems kinda...let the games success go to…
Fire Emblem Engage OST
The French movie Petite Maman came out on DVD yesterday! I bought it the second it released and it should arrive in the mail today.
Fire Emblem Engage OST
Rating : 87/100 Animation has always been, and always will be, a versatile medium. From its initial inception in the late 19th century to now, animation all across…
Fire Emblem Engage OST
Rating : 89/100 For those who have been following my reviews for a while, I once watched and reviewed a short OVA called Ijime , which was supposed…

Fire Emblem
Some time ago, I once wondered and perhaps joked about why the long running and popular JRPG fantasy series of Fire Emblem was never being made into a…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Fire Emblem Engage
Fire Emblem Engage has had a rough time coming. The art style left a lot of people unconvinced, and it's coming on the heels of the widely-beloved Fire…

Fire Emblem: Awakening
A blog about reviewing anime, anime episodes, anime movies, books, manga and other things.

Fire Emblem: Awakening
I decided to take the leap into another popular gaming franchise! Although this franchise has been here for a long time now, I am JUST getting started. Note that…

Analysis: Fire Emblem Three Houses Vs Fire Emblem Engage
So as soon as reviews for Fire Emblem: Engage came out there was a hoard of comparisons between it and Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes the previous and arguably…

Fire Emblem Engage Review: The Fire Emblem Love Letter to Fans
It was only a matter of time before I reviewed this game but I really wanted to see most of what it had to offer before I did…

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade Still the Best Fire Emblem Game
I am going to date myself hard with this post. Now that the Fire Emblem games have so many popular entry points, like Awakening and Three Houses, I’ve…

Day Three: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapter 5 and played the paralogue “Budding Talent.” New Thoughts I have mentioned this before, and I’ll keep saying this until I get blue…

Fire Emblem Engage Waifus: RANKED
John and Rob wrap up their Fire Emblem Waifu rankings for now with the latest entry, Fire Emblem Engage. - INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sclass_yt/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/sclass_yt EMAIL: sclasspodcast@gmail.com PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

Day 21: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus Far Chapter 17: Serenity in Ruin So we catch up to Veyle and her hounds, only to see Florra Mill Town in ruins. And on…

Day 27: Fire Emblem Engage
Paralogue: The Caring Princess The Team This particular map belongs to Celica, and I decided to tackle it with a team comprised of the older siblings. Now, I…

Day 25: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus FarDivine Paralogue: The Lonely HeirDivine Paralogue: The Shephard ExaltCurrent RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far While I was replaying Three Houses for the umpteenth time, more…

Day 2: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapters 3 and 4. New Thoughts The chapters don’t seem to be quite as long as Three Houses so I can get through about…

Day 17: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus Far I have only played through chapter 16. I plan on playing through a story chapter one day, then a paralogue if available, and then…

Day 4: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapter 6. New Thoughts We meet a new character who ends up being our bearer of Micaiah’s Emblem ring, the Emblem of Dawn. Yunaka…

Day 24: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus FarChapter 19: The Dead TownSupport ConversationsFogado and PandreoSeadall and KagetsuCurrent RatingsConclusion The Story Thus Far Chapter 19: The Dead Town We start the chapter seei…

Day 23: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus FarChapter 18: The Cold VoyageParalogue: The Holy KnightSupport ConversationsCurrent RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far Chapter 18: The Cold Voyage We finally make our way back…

Day 8: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapters 10 and 11. The Story Thus FarRantCurrent RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far In chapter 10 we, of course, were too late to save…

Day 10: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus Far I have played through Lyn’s paralogue and chapter 13. Lyn’s Paralogue Like Lucina’s paralogue, this was tough. Not necessarily because the map is difficult,…

Day 9: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through Lucina’s paralogue and chapter 12. The Story Thus FarLucina’s ParalogueChapter 12Current RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far Lucina’s Paralogue This was the …

Day 26: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus FarParalogue: The Dawn MaidenParalogue: The Young LionChapter 20: The Kingless CastleCurrent RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far Well, more DLC dropped since the last time I…

Five Amazing Fire Emblem Youtubers
So Youtube is an avenue of content creation that while I don’t really do myself I regularly have creators that I watch. This kind of content is a…

Day 7: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapter 9. The Story Thus Far I was only able to play through one chapter yesterday, so there’s not much to say on the…

Day 22: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus FarParalogue: The Crux of FateParalogue: The Sage LordParalogue: The Azure TwinCurrent RatingConclusion The Story Thus Far Continuing with paralogues, I managed to play through three…

Fire Emblem Awakening Waifus: RANKED
Fire Emblem Awakening is a game of strategy and waifus. Lots of waifus. And we intend to rank those waifus no matter what. Let the Waifu Wars begin.---INSTAG...

Fire Emblem Fangame Roundup: Part 1
A Friendly Easygoing Guy Hello and welcome to another installment of rounding up fangames. However, today we shall move on from the world of Super Robot Wars and…

Five More Incredible Fire Emblem Artists
So after doing this the first time and highlighting some of my favorite artists I realized I barely scratched the surface regarding the number of talented individuals that…
First Impressions: Fire Emblem Three Houses
"...the game looks incredibly gorgeous, especially in comparison with its counterparts."

Fire Emblem Awakening: The Hail Mary
It can be hard to believe that Fire Emblem was once a niche series. It’s a household name these days, a pillar of the Nintendo first party stable,…

Five Fun Fire Emblem: Engage Supports
Now a very big part of the Fire Emblem franchise is the support conversations between the various characters that are unlocked by using them in battle together or…

My Five Favorite Fire Emblem artists
If you follow me on Twitter, I guess X now but I’m nowhere near used to that name, then you know that I love art and have a…

Fire Emblem Three Houses Husbandos: RANKED
John and Rob have ranked the Waifus of Fire Emblem Three Houses, but this time it's Claude, Dmitri and the many other Husbandos. - INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sclass_yt/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/sclass_yt EMAIL: sclasspodcast@gmail.com PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sclasspodcast

Days 5+6: Fire Emblem Engage
I have played through chapter 7 and 8, as well as Anna’s and Tiki’s paralogues. This is a lengthy review (for my standards), so buckle in. The Story…
On Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo
The absolute climax of the game. Year 1990. Nintendo puts out a game titled “Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken” for the NES Famicom. Considered a…

Days 19-20: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus Far On Thursday I continued to play the new DLC paralogues, and on Friday I finished the last paralogue. On Thursday I played Hector’s paralogue,…

Fire Emblem Three Houses Waifus: RANKED
With Fire Emblem Three Houses, the Waifu Wars continue. From Edelgard to Hilda, we battle our way through the girls of Three Houses and Three Hopes and declare…

Days 14-16: Fire Emblem Engage
The Story Thus Far I began Byleth’s paralogue on day 13, but I kept restarting so I didn’t finish the paralogue until day 14. I played chapter 15…
On Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
got nothing witty to write here April 2004. Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki, the Gamecube game now know as FE: Path of Radiance in the West, was announced.…
My Grand Fire Emblem 7 Post PART2
Limstella being a cutie π (continued from HERE) Gameplay or Seven Paragraphs of Nitpicking ・ Time to get to the good stuff: gameplay. Fire Emblem is sometimes described…

Fire Emblem Engage: Partial Terms of Engagement
People on this blog know that I am a die hard Fire Emblem fan. I’ve played many of the ‘new age’ games and loved all of them in…
![Featured image for [First Impression] Day 1: Fire Emblem Engage](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230123/1674509411.51997.84259.jpg)
![Background image for [First Impression] Day 1: Fire Emblem Engage](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230123/1674509411.51997.84259.jpg)
[First Impression] Day 1: Fire Emblem Engage
The game has been out now for a short while now, but I’m just now [Jan 22, 2023] getting to play my copy. I am not a fan…
My Grand Fire Emblem 7 Post PART1
the resolution could be higher, could it not Year 2003 – I was somewhere around 14. A lot of important stuff happened that year, but for me personally,…
The Beauty of Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire Emblem Three Houses is a tactical role playing game released on July the 26th, 2019. It follows Byleth, the player avatar who works as a teacher at…

Ranking the Fire Emblem: Heroes Original Main Characters
One of the best things about Fire Emblem: Heroes is the introduction of new main characters many of which are very different than anything we’ve seen in the…