I’ve come to realize that I like isekai spin-offs that are about giving lesser characters another chance. After all, they’ve got the skills, and are often just overshadowed by the heroes. It’s why …
Sep 4, 2024 • Subscribe
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I Want a Punch-Out!! Soulslike
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I Had A Slice Of Isekai
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I Want to Be a Wall GN 2
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![Background image for Vinland Saga S2 – 6 [I Want a Horse]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20230215/1676468411.53491.86000.jpg)
Vinland Saga S2 – 6 [I Want a Horse]
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Jet Saber
Robot mode Vehicle mode Robot mode Vehicle mode General Information Unit type: robotHeight: 10.2 meters (Robot mode)Length: 18.6 meters (Vehicle mode)Weight: 18.5 metric tonsMaximum running speed: 180.6 km/hMaximum…
Breaster Jet
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Jet Diver
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Jet Helicopter
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Jet Granbird
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Dragon Jet
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Of Course I want a Super Happy Love Award!
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I Want To Be A Wall, Volumes 1-3
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I Want to Attempt a Serious Post About Hikikomori
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Episode 93, "JET VS The A Team"
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Suicide Squad Isekai: The Isekai I Didn’t Know I Needed
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A Thousand Isekai, Part 3.5: "Isekai"
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Saga of Tanya the Evil, Berserk, Jinsei - Life Consulting, Overlord, Sword Art Online

The "I want to improve!" scene IRL
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![Background image for I Want to Eat Your Pancreas [Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210801/1627815802.18485.44034.jpg)
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas [Review]
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