Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well! Think you could get rid of me and my wild Christian Slater ramblings, couldn’t you? Well, think again! Because it’s time for the fourth i…
Aug 27, 2024 • Subscribe
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Christian Slater FDD: Blink Twice
Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well! It’s about that time again for another film in Christian Slater’s filmography, this time, Blink Twice! Honestly, I was geeked…

Christian Slater FDD: Dolan’s Cadillac
Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well! Today we’ll be talking about our third installment in the Christian Slater filmography deep dive series where I’ll talk about…

Christian Slater FDD: Gleaming the Cube
Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m introducing a new segment called Filmography Deep Dive (FDD for short) where I dive deep into a specific…

Christian Slater FDD: Pump Up the Volume
Hi friends, I hope you’re doing well! Today we’re continuing on the saga of the Christian Slater FDD, or filmography deep dive. I’d heard the whisperings of how…

DBZ Christian Dub
I need a blue card and i need it now Edited by @TeeHallumsYT SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/totallynotmark FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/totallynotmark FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@totallynotmark
On Christian Otaku Outreach
Subahibi has finally been announced for an August release (which isn’t July 20th, very disappointed). Considering its fame across the entire otaku community, I’ll be interested in seeing…

EP 71: Wild, Weird & Witchy w/ Shakita Slater
This week I am joined by Shakita from the Wild, Weird & Witchy podcast. In the first half we chat about her show, some anime news and current…

Can a Christian be an Otaku?
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Christmas Gift Guide for the Christian Anime Fan
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New Atheism was a Christian Form of Unbelief
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The Otakusphere: Inside baseball, Christian symbolism and neat blogs
Yes this is another Sunday morning. Do people still take Sunday drives anymore. I got to thinking about this after listening to one of my old favorite AMVs.…

Blue Reflection: Second Light, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
Welcome to another Guest Review Wednesday on Okazu. Today we we’re bringing back Christian LeBlanc, with a very enthusiastic review of a game he has not shut up…
Can a Christian Watch Naruto and Dragon Ball Z?
I often receive questions from concerned viewers of anime who struggle with certain aspects of the medium, or in some cases, the entirety of it. On occasion, it…

So, A Christian Walks into an 18+ Anime Convention…
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High-Rise Invasion on Netflix, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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A Christian Anime Ministry: Why We Do What We Do
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School Zone Girls, Volume 2, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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Yuri is My Job!, Volume 11, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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Vampeerz – “My Peer Vampires,” Volume 1, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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Vampeerz – “My Peer Vampires,” Volume 2, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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I’ve Been Attending 18+ Anime Cons (Like Any Good Christian Should)
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Kiss the Scars of the Girls, Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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Developing Christian Community: Come Join Our Small Group for Anime Fans
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Is it Okay for a Christian to Watch Yaoi and Yuri Anime?
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The Small Things that Save the Worlds—or Christian Imagery in The Wonderland’s Isekai
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If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan I Would Die, Volume 2 Guest Review by Christian LeBlanc
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