Welcome to the last night of Niji Nights 2024 our PRIDE event here on We be Bloggin’! There’s no time like the present to appreciate when creators add characters of color to their works…
Jun 20, 2024 • Subscribe
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Day 7 of Niji Nights: Representation! Characters of Color in Anime Part 4
Welcome back, to yet another night of Niji Nights! We’re bringing in another year of Characters of Color in celebration of Juneteenth. There’s nothing more that I love…
Akudama Drive, Bleach, Children of the Whales, Stars Align, Kuroko's Basketball

Day 5 of Niji Nights: Queer Characters in Anime Part 4
Welcome back, it’s another day of Niji Nights! This is a great place to highlight some of the greatest Queer characters in Anime! And just like the term,…

Day 5 of Niji Nights: Queer Characters in Anime Part 3
Hey all! Welcome to another day of Niji nights! I’m here bringing the 3rd year of Queer characters here is another 5 to our roster! If this interested…

Day 7 of Niji Nights: 5 Girls Love Anime to Watch
Hello, hello and welcome back to day seven of Niji Nights! Can you believe we’re almost done? This week has flown by so fast but it has been…

Day 8 of Niji Nights: Queers in Anime
Here we go! Welcome to another day of Niji Nights! Let’s celebrate some representation of Queers! Now, before anyone gets crazy, we picked Queer characters that are popular…

Day 7 of Niji Nights: Rise of the Femboys
“If you put a femboy in it–the masses will come.” Hello and welcome back to day 7 of Niji Nights! The above words were such true words. In…

Day 5 of Niji Nights: 5 Boys Love Anime to Watch
Hello and welcome back to Day 5 of Niji Nights! I know Star came at you yesterday with some definitions of Girls Love and Yuri, but for the…

Day 5 of Niji Nights – The Culture behind Yaoi
Happy Day 5 of Niji Nights! For the past two rainbow-speckled nights, we brought you some of our favorite boys love and girls love couples. And today…well today…

Niji Nights Day 4: 5 More BL Recommendations
Hey welcome to the 4th day of Niji Nights! We’ve decided to give space to some of the Boyslove anime we have watched, appreciated and loved over the…

Niji Nights Day 2: 5 More GL Recommendations
The morning sun shines for our second Niji Night! You know what the world doesn’t have enough of in the world? Girls love. We tend to be a…
I'm in Love with the Villainess, Strawberry Panic, Whisper Me a Love Song

Day 3 of Niji Nights: 5 of our favorite BL Couples
Happy Day 3 of Niji Nights everybody! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the posts we’ve been doing so far. I thought Star did a great post on…

Niji Nights Day 3: 5 LGBTQIA+ Webtoons to Read
Hello and welcome back to Niji Nights! I hope you all enjoyed Star’s post on BL and Yaoi last night (I def was not in her room, sitting…

Day 1 of Niji Nights: 5 More LGBTQIA+ Webtoons to Read
Welcome all to the first day of Niji Nights! I hope you all are excited for the content we have for this week of pride. To kick it…

Day 2 of Niji Nights: Top 5 GL Anime from 2015s to 2020s
Hey all! Welcome to the next day of Niji Nights! I’ve been very passionate about GLs lately so I’m very excited to write this post! I have a…

Day 4 of Niji Nights: 5 of our favorite Girls Love couples
Eeeeey welcome to another Niji Night! As a partner to 5 of our favorite BoysLove we figure we share the love with girls too! Tonight, I’ll be listing…

Representation! Characters of Color Part 3
Hey! To celebrate Juneteenth which is an American thing for those of you that are not in the US. It’s to celebrate the liberation of slaves which happened…

Day 6 of Niji Nights: Queer Coded – Sabikui Bisco
It’s officially Niji Nights Day 6! If you read day three, then you’ve already been introduced to our Queer Coded blog series where we talk about anime that…

Day 6 of Niji Nights: A More Inclusive World
Have any of you noticed a trend in Anime lately? No, it’s not about how anime is becoming mainstream, or that there’s repetitive plotlines. We’re actually talking about…

Niji Nights Day 3: Queer Coded-Wandering Paladin
Niji Nights day three is upon us and today, we’re bringing you a new series of blogs: Queer Coded. As avid anime watchers, we see a lot of…

Day 4 of Niji Nights: Yuri vs. GirlsLove- Another Definition
Hey everyone! Welcome to yet another day of Niji Nights! We’ll be explaining the difference between Yuri and GirlsLove. Much like the Yaoi vs. BoysLove post I will…

Day 6 of Niji Nights: Wing Symbolism and Boys Love
Hello and welcome back to Otaku Thursday! And this of course is not just any Otaku Thursday, no this is our very own special Niji Nights edition of…

Welcome to Niji Nights!
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to our annual pride event, Niji Nights! This is year number two doing this awesome (and incredibly fun) event! For the next week,…

Day 2 of Niji Nights: Demystifying Marriage and Same-Sex unions in Japan
Getting married in Japan seems hard

Niji Nights Day 1: Raise the Colors! LGBTQIA+ Webtoons
Welcome to the official day one of Niji Nights! This month for pride we have more recommendations, more musings, and more love for everything under the rainbow. Today…

Welcome to Niji Nights 2023!
Another year another rainbow, it’s Niji Nights! For those who are new, this is our special June event in honor of PRIDE month! So all of our content…

Intro to Niji Nights 2024
Welcome to readers! Noobs and Otakus, it’s that time of the year again! Our annual celebration of all things under the queer weeby umbrella! Giving you food for…

Welcome to Niji Nights 2022!
Welcome to Niji Nights everyone! It’s been another year and we’re ready to give you some very colorful content! This year we have had a few comments and…

Day 2 of Niji Nights- Yaoi vs. BoysLove- A comparison, definition dive
Hey all! Welcome to another day of Niji Nights our magical summer event made in honor of Pride month! This post is all about differentiating between Yaoi and…
Introducing Niji Nights– Our Pride Event!
Welcome, welcome it’s double rainbow time! We wanted to make an official week celebration to end Pride month with a week filled with LGBTQIA+ content in anime,and weeb…

Representation! Characters of Color– An Appreciation Post
Hey! It’s time we write a post about BIPOC characters in Anime! Honestly, it’s surprising we didn’t already have a post so what better time than the last…
![Featured image for [12 Days of Anime] Day 7: Call of the Night and Creepy Nuts Nights](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20221220/1671560412.49507.81355.png)
![Background image for [12 Days of Anime] Day 7: Call of the Night and Creepy Nuts Nights](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20221220/1671560412.49507.81355.png)
[12 Days of Anime] Day 7: Call of the Night and Creepy Nuts Nights
I can’t think of summer show Call of the Night without hearing Creepy Nuts playing in my brain, accompanying the warm summer night and purple lighting. Achingly atmospheric,…

Day 3 of Otakutober: Mostly Ghostly! Ghost Characters in Anime
Hello and welcome back to 13 Days of Otakutober! I hope you all have been enjoying our haunting content (and are prepared for so much more). Today we’re…

Representation! Character of Color Part 2
Hey all! It’s time for another post where I showcase BIPOC characters in anime! I, Star, had a lot of fun the first time around making the post…

Follicle Talk: Grabbing Your Characters By The Hair Part 1 – Hair Color
It can’t be avoided. It can’t also be helped. Sometime, someday, you’ll eventually have to categorize your anime, manga, and game characters. Sure, we can do that. But…

Day 5 of Doki Doki– Why we love 2D characters
Eeeeey, welcome to Day 5 of Doki Doki Days! I have the wonderful pleasure of explaining to you what nerds love and why we love them. It’s not…
Top 5 Anime AI Characters
Top 5 Anime AI Characters I recently saw a video where a company is selling an AI android girlfriend. She can move and talk, but that’s about it.…

Top 5 Blind anime Characters
It took me a while to put a list together but I finally remembered 5 Blind Anime Characters that make their shows better!

5 Infuriatingly Useless Anime Characters
Too many characters are falsely accused of being useless, but there are some that genuinely don't have any reason to exist.

Top 5 OCD Anime Characters
My favorite anime characters who are clearly suffering from obssessive compulsive disorder.
Top 5 Blind Anime Characters
I created a list of the top 5 best Blind anime characters. Issho from One Piece, Sara from Samurai Champloo, Tosen from Bleach, and Yomi from Yu Yu…

Top 5 Canadian Anime Characters
I'm Canadian so I am always jazzed when I discover a new Canadian anime character. There aren't enough of them. Here are the top 5 I found.
Top 5 Anime Otaku Characters
Anime is full of great Otakus. So full in fact that a top 5 list seemed impossible so here's a numbered random 5 list.
Steins;Gate, The World God Only Knows, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, Princess Jellyfish

Day 5: Dressed to Distress – Anime Characters and their Halloween Costumes
Hello and welcome back to 13 Days of Otakutober! First off, yes we are still in a different time zone, and secondly we need a bit of breather…

Top 7 Iconic Black Anime Characters
Guest Post by Silver from Anime Everything Anime is known to have a wide range of characters, from normal humans to cat boys and horse girls; we have…
7 Most Interesting Anime Characters 2019
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Favourite Fantasy Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 7
It’s day 7 of the 30 Days of Anime, so I’m going to dive into my favourite genre – fantasy. I absolutely love swords and sorcery-style stories, which…

The Roles of “Characters” in Mecha Anime
Sometimes, you’ll see a wild claim about mecha anime, like “Gurren-Lagann was the first giant robot series to be about characters instead of the robots,” and it inevitably…

Anime Bloguary! Day 7
With the beginning of the new year, January is here and you know what that means right? It’s Bloguary! Last year I saw so many bloggers participate in…

This list contains SLIGHT SPOILERS as it’s made while taking both anime and manga in consideration. BLACK CLOVER Black Clover breaks boundaries in many ways, including the inclusion…

Day 7 of Weebsmas: Shonen Anime Recommendations
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