Let’s continue with the theme of the last prompt, but this time, let’s look at the biggest flaw of our favourite characters! Similar, but different!
May 8, 2024 • Subscribe
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Writing Prompt: What’s your favourite anime’s biggest flaw?
Well, this is a good one I think, but it’s also difficult right off the bat because I have to decide upon my favourite anime again. Or at…

Writing Prompt: What’s your favourite JRPG?
Another day, another prompt. This time around, it’s quite simple, except for the part about having to choose my favourite of something, which is always difficult for me.

Writing Prompt: What is your biggest anime fear?
We’re back with another anime question that’s somewhat vague. But that just gives me the opportunity to answer it from multiple angles!

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite generic anime?
As a fan of fantasy anime, and by extension, isekai (primarily because of the shift from mecha to fantasy isekai), I should be overjoyed to think up an…

Writing Prompt: What’s your preferred length for an anime?
The answer here? It depends on the anime. Seems simple enough. But of course, that’s not very satisfying, so I’ll try my best to come up with an…

Writing Prompt: What is your favourite one of a kind anime?
Here we go with a nice easy question to answer!

Writing Prompt: What are some of your favourite school clubs in anime?
This one seemed fun to think about. As we all know, clubs are a pretty glorified part of any school anime. And to be fair, I’d say they…

What’s Your Favourite Anime Genre?
There are so many genre within anime! I know that there seems to be a consensus that people who don’t watch anime assume it’s just all the same…

What’s Your Favourite Anime Weapon?
Anime series have some very exciting and creative weapons. I particularly like the 3D Maneuver Gear from Attack on Titan. It’s a very effective tool to use against…

What’s Your Favourite Anime Cliche?
Anime has cliches. It’s just a fact. There’s cliches like nose bleeds, dead mums, the protagonists having vastly different coloured and styled hair than other characters, glowing when…

Breath Of The Wild's Biggest Flaw
'For NordVPN’s 11th birthday, go to https://nordvpn.com/internetpitstop to get the two year plan with an exclusive deal PLUS 1 bonus month free AND a bonus mystery gift! It’s…

Writing Prompt: Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?
Let’s get another easy one out there with this prompt. Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?

Writing Prompt: Does it bother you when a character’s voice actor changes?
Every once in a while you get that situation where the voice actor / actress of a character changes, but I’ll admit it’s not all that common. I…

What’s Your Favourite Anime Fight Scene?
Anime series are known to have some very engaging, well-animated and well-choreographed fight scenes. One of my favourite fight scenes in anime that I’ve seen is Bakugou vs…

Writing Prompt: What’s something on your “to-watch list” that never gets watched?
Daily writing promptSomething on your “to-do list” that never gets done.View all responses Starting to enjoy utilizing these WordPress prompts for my own purposes. This one is nice…

Writing Prompt: What’s the worst anime scene you’ve ever seen?
When I initially wrote this question down I thought it’d be difficult, because it’s a pretty specific thing to have to remember. But after a few minutes it…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you’ve fallen asleep to?
Let’s get another one of these prompts going, and this one will be quite short!

Writing Prompt: What’s something that caught you off-guard about Japan?
Time to dig up some memories, and things like this can be fleeting at times. This prompt has been sitting here as a draft for a while now,…

Writing Prompt: What’s the best time of day to watch anime?
Figured I’d toss in a short and easy one here, since not every question has to be all that thought-provoking.

Writing Prompt: What’s a complete anime series that was too short?
Perhaps we’ll tackle the opposite version of this question also, but to start I thought that we’d go with this one. I’m not sure which one comes up…

Writing Prompt: Have you ever stereotyped someone based on their favourite anime?
There’s the prompt, courtesy of MAL once again. What had me interested was actually less the prompt itself, but something related to the prompt…

Writing Prompt: What’s an idea you’d like to see represented in anime?
I’ll admit, the source for this prompt was just myself. But that won’t stop me from answering my own burning questions!

Writing Prompt: What’s a well-liked anime that you didn’t really like?
Let’s go with a quick prompt this time around, because I want to get a post written, but I also want to go watch Solo Leveling!

Writing Prompt: Who was Your First Favorite Character in Anime?
Welcome to Anime Rants. Today we have a writing prompt taken from a discussion in r/anime: “Who was your first favorite character in any anime?” I like this…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (#5)
Been a while since I’ve done one of these. Sometimes the prompts just don’t merit a full post, and other times they’re just ridiculous. The users on MAL…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (1)
There are a lot of questions that I see on the Internet that I like to answer on my blog, often because I feel like my answer would…

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (3)
It’s time to power through a bunch of questions that I don’t think would merit an entire post to themselves! Round 3!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (4)
It’s time for another rapid fire edition of writing prompt, where I choose to be lazy and answer questions without much elaboration!

Writing Prompt Rapid Fire (2)
Let’s power through another one of these, because just like before, I’ve got some questions that I can’t see myself writing a full post for. That, and because…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you enjoyed but wouldn’t recommend to someone?
This definitely seems like the easier variation to tackle, when compared to its counterpart. I can think of a few answers already, so let’s get to them.

Writing Prompt: How have significant anime influenced your perspective on anime?
Daily writing promptHow do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?View all responses I do admit it makes me laugh to take…

Writing Prompt: Has anyone ever changed your opinion about an anime?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned on the Internet, it’s that trying to change someone’s opinion on something is often a fruitless endeavor, and a waste of time.…

Writing Prompt: What are your thoughts on anime demographic genre categories?
Here’s an interesting one I found recently, it’s along the lines of a recent genre prompt I wrote about. This would be referring to genres such as shounen,…

Writing Prompt: Will AI kill anime?
Lot of drama these days involving AI, it’s certainly upheaving many different industries in different ways. So it’s natural that fans of anime would worry about this same…

Writing Prompt: Random Anime Interaction(s)
Here’s another prompt by myself. I know, shamelessly prompting myself here on the blog… what can I say, I get an idea and decide to just turn it…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you never watched because it’s too hyped up?
Now this here is an easy one for me, there’s one anime that immediately came to mind when I came across this prompt! You may not like it…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you enjoyed from a genre you normally don’t like?
Over the years I’ve watched pretty much all genres at some point, and earlier on I was basically watching anything and everything. But I’ve definitely formed preferences over…

Writing Prompt: Should Evangelion get a remake?
I’m going to assume this is referring to the original series, and not something newer as I know there’s a bunch of Evangelion content out there. I’ve personally…

Writing Prompt: How did you learn Japanese?
This was actually one that I just came up with myself, but I figured I’d frame this as a prompt anyways since it fits. I know that many…

Writing Prompt: Discovering My Ideal Anime Mentor
Which anime character would make a good mentor to me?

Writing Prompt: Is anime better than Hollywood?
Now here’s an interesting one. I could see this being a difficult question for some, but not for me!

Writing Prompt: What are your thoughts on depictions of Western culture in anime?
Alright, let’s tackle another question that I think is a pretty good one. It’s been on the list for a while, so it’s about time I chose this…

Writing Prompt: What was your first anime? Do you still like it now?
Let’s keep some of these easy prompts coming, cause I can quickly write up this post and then have more time to watch some anime before I sleep!

Writing Prompt: Why Are Anime Eyes So Distinct?
Welcome to Anime Rants. I haven’t done a random writing prompt in a while, but this week I’ve had a little more focus and motivation. The trouble was…

Writing Prompt: What makes an anime age well?
We’ve already talked about what could make an anime age poorly, so let’s flip that around and talk about what makes an anime age well!

Writing Prompt: Do you want to be isekai’d?
I’ve just finished rewatching an isekai anime, Re:Zero, so it feels like a good time to tackle this question. We often see characters getting spirited away to fantasy…

Writing Prompt: Thoughts on haircuts as character development?
I’ll be honest, I never really had any thoughts on this topic. But that won’t stop me from coming up with some in order to come up with…

Writing Prompt: What is the most misunderstood genre?
Original question on MAL was just outright claiming that isekai is the most misunderstood, a bold claim to be sure, but I thought this question would be better…

Writing Prompt: Are some shonen anime too long?
Here’s an interesting one, which is a simple enough question but there are a few different angles from which to look at it!

What’s your anime OTP?
Favorite canonical ship? Favorite non-canonical ship? First ever ship?