Found this one on MAL, just a quick and light topic to think about this time.
Mar 9, 2024 • Subscribe
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Writing Prompt: Would you watch an anime that is endless?
Let’s take a crack at another one that I feel like is pretty straightforward, but then I do think there’s opportunity for some interesting perspectives.

Writing Prompt: What would it take to “ruin” an anime for you?
To clarify, since I didn’t want the post title to be super long, this prompt is referring to an anime being ruined due to external factors. Like you…

Writing Prompt : What is an anime that you love but would not recommend
Like the title says, today I'm going to talk about anime I love but wouldn't recommend. It was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be!

Writing Prompt: If you HAD to rewatch an anime 10 times in a row, which anime would you choose?
Thought this was a funny one on MAL, I immediately knew I had to use it as a prompt here. I’m pretty big on rewatching anime, but I…

Writing Prompt: What outfit would you like to see less of in anime?
I guess this one could get controversial. I’ll try my best to think of a good safe answer here…

Writing Prompt: What outfit would you like to see more of in anime?
I think the “less of” variant was the easier of the two. Just give me a minute as I scroll through all my archived images looking for ideas…

Writing Prompt: What place would you recommend someone to visit in Japan?
Figured I’d switch things up with a Japan-related prompt every so often. Although this question certainly isn’t any easier!

Writing Prompt: Can a fandom ruin an anime for you?
One interesting phenomenon that has sprouted out of seemingly nowhere over the past decade or so is the creation of very specific “fandoms”. Does liking something automatically enroll…

Writing Prompt: Have you ever shilled for an anime studio?
I’ve got time to take a crack at another prompt, so let’s have at it.

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you enjoyed but wouldn’t recommend to someone?
This definitely seems like the easier variation to tackle, when compared to its counterpart. I can think of a few answers already, so let’s get to them.

Writing Prompt: Which anime was most relatable to you?
I’ll admit, as an avid fantasy anime watcher this question puts me at a bit of a disadvantage. But surely there’s something I found relatable…

Writing Prompt: Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?
Let’s get another easy one out there with this prompt. Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?

Writing Prompt: What was an anime moment that made you think?
Pretty broad one here, seeing as there are many different sorts of thoughts you could have after watching something. But nothing wrong with that!

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you’ve fallen asleep to?
Let’s get another one of these prompts going, and this one will be quite short!

Writing Prompt: What makes an anime age well?
We’ve already talked about what could make an anime age poorly, so let’s flip that around and talk about what makes an anime age well!

Writing Prompt: Do you want to be isekai’d?
I’ve just finished rewatching an isekai anime, Re:Zero, so it feels like a good time to tackle this question. We often see characters getting spirited away to fantasy…

Writing Prompt: What would you do if you were the head of your own anime studio?
Well if watching anime and writing an anime blog qualifies me to be the head of an anime studio, I guess I’ll accept! There’ll probably be an indie…

Writing Prompt: Would you rather an anime with bad characters but an amazing plot, or an anime with a bad plot but amazing characters?
Time to steal another prompt from MAL. This one seemed interesting, and even as I write this intro blurb, I’m not sure what my choice will be yet!

Writing Prompt: What is one recurring theme that you both hate and love in anime?
An anime theme that I have a love hate relationship with? I can certainly think of some things that I love, and others that I hate, but both…

Writing Prompt: What’s something positive about an anime you hate, and something negative about an anime you love?
I added the second half to this, only seemed natural. Also seemed like a fun prompt! I put “hate” and “love”, but if you feel like that’s a…

Writing Prompt: What’s the anime you’re most scared to watch? What would it take to get you to watch it?
Bloganuary writing promptWhat’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?View all responses Yep, I’m hijacking this prompt for…

Writing Prompt: Would you still watch anime if the entire industry moved towards 3D animation?
It certainly is interesting seeing the various trends that sweep through the anime industry. Just by watching anime from different time periods we can get a general idea…

Writing Prompt: What’s your preferred length for an anime?
The answer here? It depends on the anime. Seems simple enough. But of course, that’s not very satisfying, so I’ll try my best to come up with an…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you enjoyed from a genre you normally don’t like?
Over the years I’ve watched pretty much all genres at some point, and earlier on I was basically watching anything and everything. But I’ve definitely formed preferences over…

Writing Prompt: What’s an idea you’d like to see represented in anime?
I’ll admit, the source for this prompt was just myself. But that won’t stop me from answering my own burning questions!

Writing Prompt: How seriously do you take anime critics?
Not even going to re-word or re-work this one, taking it straight from the MAL forums. Should be short and sweet. How seirously do you take anime critics?

Writing Prompt: If you could be any anime character for a day, who would you be, and why?
Daily writing promptIf you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?View all responses Here’s a fun one. And the answer came to…

Writing Prompt: Would you still watch shonen anime if the characters didn’t shout out attack names?
This one is pretty funny and kind of spot on when it comes to shonen series. How would they feel if the characters didn’t use the horrible strategy…

Writing Prompt: If you had to choose one series that would be mandatory for everyone to watch as their first anime, what would it be?
Now this is a lot of power to wield… this choice could affect anime as we know it with the ultimate gatekeep choice. The question is, would I…

Writing Prompt: How did you learn Japanese?
This was actually one that I just came up with myself, but I figured I’d frame this as a prompt anyways since it fits. I know that many…

Writing Prompt: What’s an anime that you never watched because it’s too hyped up?
Now this here is an easy one for me, there’s one anime that immediately came to mind when I came across this prompt! You may not like it…

Writing Prompt: How long does it usually take for you to forget the plot of an anime?
Now here is a question I feel qualified to answer, considering how often I rewatch anime versus seek out unseen series!

Writing Prompt: Do you think that many fans have an incorrect image of Japan thanks to anime?
Now here is an interesting one, and I have a little bit of experience in this area. Which means that this is today’s prompt!

Writing Prompt: Have you ever watched an anime you didn’t like just so you could better relate to & interact with others?
In other words, have you ever watched an anime just so you wouldn’t feel left out? I thought this one could bring out some interesting answers, but I…

Writing Prompt: Is it OK to review an anime before it’s finished airing?
An interesting question to think about. And there are many different ways to think around this one, too.

Writing Prompt: Do you think anime can change someone’s life?
For once I found an interesting question to write about. It’s something I’ve thought about before, and I’ve seen this sort of concept mentioned several times as well,…

Writing Prompt: What “unimportant” anime character did you really like?
Here’s another prompt that I thought seemed interesting to think about.It’s also a difficult one I had to think about for a bit!

Writing Prompt: Do you find anime hard to enjoy when it feels predictable?
Here’s another prompt from MAL I wanted to take a look at. I guess these are kind of more like discussion prompts than writing prompts, as I’m not…

Writing Prompt: Will AI kill anime?
Lot of drama these days involving AI, it’s certainly upheaving many different industries in different ways. So it’s natural that fans of anime would worry about this same…

Writing Prompt: Random Anime Interaction(s)
Here’s another prompt by myself. I know, shamelessly prompting myself here on the blog… what can I say, I get an idea and decide to just turn it…

Writing Prompt: Novels you’d like to see in anime.
This one comes up every so often in tag posts, but I wanted to answer it again, because why not? Once again, I’ve got my music, I’ve got…

Writing Prompt: Has anyone ever changed your opinion about an anime?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned on the Internet, it’s that trying to change someone’s opinion on something is often a fruitless endeavor, and a waste of time.…

Writing Prompt: If you could make a prequel season of a show, which would you choose and why?
Pretty straightforward question, I think. Although many shows actually do a pretty good job at showing us backstory when it’s necessary, or one isn’t necessary at all (like…

Writing Prompt: What anime did you started the new year with?
Or if you haven’t watched any yet in 2024, I guess what anime will you start with? Surely anyone reading this has watched something though, right?

Writing Prompt: Is there anything in anime that makes you uncomfortable?
Anime is not a monolith, and it’s not just for kids like some people may think. As we know, there are so many different genres, topics, themes, ideas…

Writing Prompt: Do you watch anime with friends and/or family?
This is going to be a quick one, and a part of me is more interested in your answers than actually writing my own. So you could say…

What LGBTQ+ manga would you like to see get an anime?
Series or film? Choice of studio or staff? Is there a title that would work better as a live drama

Writing Prompt: What are your thoughts on using reviews to decide on watching an anime?
I have my own way of deciding if I’m going to watch an anime. For example, I’ve never watched any anime YouTubers (nor do I have any interest…

Writing Prompt: Is it OK to rate an anime entirely based on its entertainment value?
When I first typed this question out, I was thinking that I may not use it, as it seems like a very easy one to answer. But then…

Writing Prompt: What are some tips to avoid anime burnout?
Here’s a good one, and I’m sure many of you could offer some advice here as well. I know that many people can end up feeling burnt out…