Other than the grotesque mad scientist Gedouiin in Ao no Exorcist, Van the “Hero” might be the most hateable villain of the winter. We check in on him as he’s slaughtering the Hil…
Feb 25, 2024 • Subscribe
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Shin no Nakama – S2 01 – New Truths
Just over two years ago I stated that if this calm, loving, and relaxing fantasy anime got another season, I’d happily tune in. And here we are! Red…

Shin no Nakama – 08 – Happy Wife Happy Life
For the second straight week Shin no Nakama wades deeper into plots, false identities and shadow players. But what keeps me engaged and coming back is the wonderfully tender…
Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 10 - Rit Sparkles
Rit glowed and sparkled as she talked about her love for Red. It's how she connected to Lavender. Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 10

Shin no Nakama – S2 04 – Slow Life Assassin
This week chronicles a typical day in Ruti’s new life as a former hero. After a very intense morning stretching session, she has a bath and then tends…

Shin no Nakama – S2 11 – The Wavering Hero
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Shin no Nakama – S2 02 – Uncut Gem Beast
Yarandrala is happy to be reunited with Gideon, and also glad he and Rit are a happy couple, but she also fells like injustice was done to both…
Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 12 [END] - Lavender Floats
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Shin no Nakama – S2 03 – Time for Her Happiness
As I suspected, “Esta” is actually Theodora. I appreciate that she’s staying close to the new Hero Van, and when she hears that he might be headed to…
Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 11 - Ruti the Hero
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Shin no Nakama – S2 05 – Laid-Back Training Camp
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 5 - Yarandrala Practices Staff
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 7 - Ruti Wears Pajamas
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Shin no Nakama – S2 07 – Children Are the Future
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 1 - Yarandrala Sits Down
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 9 - Yarandrala Shakes Cocktail
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Shin no Nakama – S2 12 (Fin) – We Can Be Heroes
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 2 - Girls Enjoy Hot Springs
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Shin no Nakama – S2 10 – A Quest with the Guide
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Shin no Nakama – S2 06 – Laying Low in St. Durant
As the gang meets to determine how to deal with an impending visit from the new Hero Van, Yarandrala suggests Ruti simply get out of town for the…
Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 4 - Ruti Rafter Hanging Stretches
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 3 - Yarandrala Celebrates Solstice Festival
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Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 6 - Red Sleeps on Ruti's Lap
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Shin no Nakama – 07 – Wasted Wings
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OtakuGeneration.net :: (Show #865) Shin no Nakama
Shownotes :: (show 865) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Riding Bean, recorded live January 2nd, 2022. This week, we watching something with a…
Shin no Nakama S2 - Episode 8 - Ruti Punches Van's Stupid Face In
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Shin no Nakama – S2 09 – What Love’s Got to Do With It
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Shin no Nakama – 02 – Party of Two
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Shin no Nakama - Episode 2 - Rit Blushes
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Shin no Nakama – 10 – It’s Nobody’s Fault
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![Featured image for Shin no Nakama Episode 1 [First Impression]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211006/1633554755.22677.48943.png)
![Background image for Shin no Nakama Episode 1 [First Impression]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211006/1633554755.22677.48943.png)
Shin no Nakama Episode 1 [First Impression]
Eva's First Impression Well it turns out after watching this, I couldn't help but write about it! This past summer I have been reading the first volume of…

Shin no Nakama - Episode 12 - Ruti Punches
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Shin no Nakama – 04 – No Mead to Be Shy

Shin Shinka No Mi S2
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Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Shin no Nakama - Episode 1 - Ruti the Hero
Ruti, the world's designated Hero, doesn't need her big brother's help anymore. But she would still like some. Shin no Nakama - Episode 1.

Shin no Nakama - Episode 10 - Ruti Stretches Cheeks
Ruti and Tisse clerked behind the counter of Red's apothecary. Ruti needed to practice her helpful smile, though. Shin no Nakama - Episode 10.

Shin no Nakama – 11 – Our Own to Live
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Shin no Nakama - Episode 11 - Ruti Points Sword
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Shin no Nakama – 09 – Warm Hands, Full Hearts
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Shin no Nakama – 06 – The Champions of Here
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Shin no Nakama - Episode 6 - Rit Red Splash
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Shin no Nakama – 05 – For Their Own Sake
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Shin no Nakama – 13 (Fin) – Warm Milk with Honey
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Shin no Nakama – 01 (First Impressions) – La Vida Tranquila
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Shin no Nakama - Episode 3 - Rit Cleavage Close Up
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Shin no Nakama – 12 – Life Comes at You Fast
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Shin no Nakama - Episode 5 - Rit Sticks Tongue Out
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![Featured image for Shin no Nakama - Episode 13 [END] - Ruti Eats Pizza](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211229/1640807914.28169.55515.gif)
![Background image for Shin no Nakama - Episode 13 [END] - Ruti Eats Pizza](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211229/1640807914.28169.55515.gif)
Shin no Nakama - Episode 13 [END] - Ruti Eats Pizza
Ruti could enjoy flavor, heat, and spices after the Hero's Blessing stopped dominating her personality. Shin no Nakama - Episode 13 [END].

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Shin no Nakama - Episode 4 - Nao Storm Drink Beer
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