Someone has their eye on the sacred sword in the third volume of Akili’s Vampeerz manga, and also Aria. Mostly Aria, actually. Ichika isn’t about to let that go unchallenged. This volum…
Jan 13, 2024 • Subscribe
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Thoughts on Vampeerz Volume 4
It’s time for a health checkup in the fourth volume of Akili’s Vampeerz manga, which means employing a little trickery to ensure that Aria’s supernatural nature goes undetected.…

Thoughts on Vampeerz Volume 1
Vampeerz is a manga written and illustrated by Akili, that focuses on a girl named Ichika who suddenly has a mysterious girl named Aria come into her life…

Thoughts on Vampeerz Volume 2
Aria insists on getting totally involved in Ichika’s life in the second volume of Akili’s Vampeerz manga. But that’s OK, because Ichika is determined to have Aria fall…
Vampeerz, Volume 3 (ヴァンピアーズ)
The third volume of the manga Vampeerz (ヴァンピアーズ) Is chock-full of fetishes and fears. Vampires in school, but really, It’s all what you’d expect from Akili,, Gravitas…

Vampeerz – “My Peer Vampires,” Volume 3
by Christian LeBlanc, Staff Writer I found the last book somewhat vile, But this volume did make me smile. Basketball, talking crow, The return of Jiro, And artwork…

Thoughts on semelparous Volume 3
Youko and Yorino face the most powerful type of kaiju in the third volume of Jun Ogino’s semelparous manga. Things aren’t quite that simple, though, as the enemy…

Thoughts on Still Sick Volume 3
The story of Akashi’s Still Sick manga comes to an end with the third and final volume in the series. Akane has an important decision to make, and…

Thoughts on Dungeon People Volume 3
Clay’s search for her father continues in the third volume of Sui Hutami’s Dungeon People manga, whilst she continues to manage the dungeon alongside Belle. This volume contains…

Thoughts on Futari Escape Volume 3
Senpai and Kouhai continue to escape reality in the third volume of Shouichi Taguchu’s Futari Escape. Well, at least as much as they can. Sometimes there’s little other…

Thoughts on Cocoon Entwined Volume 3
Lots of hair stuff going on in Yuriko Hara’s Cocoon Entwined manga series, and the third volume is no exception to that. Youko’s thoughts and feelings are the…

Thoughts on Cosmo Familia Volume 3
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Thoughts on Failed Princesses Volume 3
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Thoughts on Assorted Entanglements Volume 3
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Thoughts on Otaku Elf Volume 3
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Thoughts on Hello, Melancholic! Volume 3
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Thoughts on GUNBURED × SISTERS Volume 3
The search for Maria’s sister continues in the third volume of Wataru Mitogawa’s GUNBURED × SISTERS manga. Some new faces also join the fight. This volume contains chapters…
Vampeerz, Volume 2 (ヴァンピアーズ)
Aria continues to be a vamp who is cool, Ichika doesn’t mind so much being a tool, for Aria the vamp, even when they camp And the other…

Thoughts on Splatoon 3: Splatlands Volume 1
Splatoon 3: Splatlands is the continuing manga adventures of Team Blue from the original Splatoon manga. As you may have guessed, this series adapts elements from Splatoon 3.…

Thoughts on Sex Ed 120% Volume 3
The main subject covered in the third and final volume of Kikiki Tataki’s Sex Ed 120% manga is LGBT. A topic that has Naoko seriously considering the feelings…

Thoughts on Catch These Hands! Volume 3
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Thoughts on The Witches’ Marriage Volume 3
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Thoughts on School Zone Girls Volume 3
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Thoughts on Otherside Picnic Volume 3 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Adachi and Shimamura Volume 3 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Goodbye, My Rose Garden Volume 3
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Thoughts on Kase-san and Yamada Volume 3
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Thoughts on How Do We Relationship? Volume 3
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Thoughts on Chasing After Aoi Koshiba Volume 3
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Thoughts on Strawberry Fields Once Again Volume 3
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Thoughts on Even Though We’re Adults Volume 3
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Thoughts on Cells at Work! Baby Volume 3
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Yuri Manga: Vampeerz, Volume 1 (ヴァンピアーズ)
Ichika attends an old school Where she’s befriended by a very cute ghoul Her feeling and fears Are tempered by tears Is love with a vampire scary or…

Thoughts on Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Volume 3 (Manga)
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Thoughts on Splatoon: Squid Kids Comedy Show Volume 3
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Thoughts on Ms. Koizumi loves ramen noodles. Volume 3
In the third volume of Naru Narumi’s Ms. Koizumi loves ramen noodles. manga, Ms. Koizumi eats ramen. Bet you would have never expected that.

Thoughts on A White Rose in Bloom Volume 3
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Thoughts on semelparous Volume 1
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Thoughts on Splatoon Volume 15
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Thoughts on Splatoon Volume 10
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The fight against the kaiju continues in the second volume of Jun Ogino’s semelparous manga. Even knowing the consequences of killing Kaiju, Yorino remains determined to keep fighting.…

Thoughts on Splatoon Volume 12
One arc ends, and another begins in the twelfth volume of Sankichi Hinodeya’s Splatoon manga. Goggles and Gloves finish up playing at being heroes, and then Goggles is…

Thoughts on Splatoon Volume 14
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