Just because I’m not watching anything seasonal (beyond my beloved Mix), that doesn’t mean I’m not watching anything. So, I thought I’d run down what I have been watching j…
Sep 12, 2023 • Subscribe
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December 2024: What I’ve been watching
From Dan Da Dan (2024) to The Devil is a Part-Timer (2013), these are the 9 anime that I’ve been keeping up with this December.

July 2024: What I’ve been watching
There is a few anime that caught my interest this summer. There is also one other that I started rewatching…

Hello people, it is I, Nora, your blogger friend. Even though I mentioned I was going to be busy and go on a hiatus, the period still took…

Hello people, it is I, Nora, your blogger friend. Even though I mentioned I was going to be busy and go on a hiatus, the period still took…
What I’ve been up to!
the Otaku Central Podcast I find solace in all my podcast episodes being about random things, primarily about what I've been up to. I constantly repeat myself in…
The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies
As you can see, I have only been watching the good stuff, namely Gobdwarf. In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job,…

The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies
As you can see, I have only been watching the good stuff, namely Gobdwarf. In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job,…

The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies
As you can see, I have only been watching the good stuff, namely Gobdwarf. In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job,…
The anime I’ve been watching Summer 2018 edition – Really stupid comedies
As you can see, I have only been watching the good stuff, namely Gobdwarf. In the past few months I’ve moved countries, changed career, started a new job,…

What I’ve been reading: August 2024
More manga and more books. August was uneventful, but at least I had stuff to read.

How I’ve been spending my 2023
This January I read the life-changing book Atomic Habits, which challenges you to improve your life by reminding you that your habits, the tasks and routines you repeat…

What I’ve Been Up To – June 2022
Oh, hey! It’s been a while. The last couple years have been busy for me, and unfortunately I haven’t been able to get much writing done. Not for…

Sampling Skipped Shonen: What I’ve Been Missing!
For a couple years now I’ve kind of been skipping the popular, blockbuster shonen anime of the season that nearly everyone else was going crazy over. I just…

Summer 2023 Anime: What I Will Be Watching
It’s really warm, it must be summer. With summer comes along a new season of anime, which means a bunch of new of shows to watch. With information…
BanG Dream!, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation, Spy Classroom

H-hello? Anybody there? How’s everyone doing? Hope everything’s been okay and you’re not sick as seasons are currently changing. I checked out my last update post, wow it…

Summer 2022: What We’re Watching
I can’t believe Summer is already here. While the weather where Star and I live hasn’t quite caught up yet, it’s on the horizon and we are ready…

Seasonal Anime Watching: Spring 2021 – What I’ll be watching
It's already Spring, which means new animes to watch! Like what I did for the previous season, I will be identifying new animes to watch this season.
Backflip!!, Combatants Will Be Dispatched!, Osamake: Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won't Lose, Super Cub, The World Ends with You The Animation

Summer 2023 — Seasonal Impressions
Sequels: Ao no Orchestra, BanG Dream, Bleach, Bungo Stray Dogs, Cardfight Vanguard, The Devil is a Part Timer, The Duke of Death and His Maid, Horimiya, Jujutsu Kaisen,…
Bungo Stray Dogs, Horimiya, Shadowverse Flame, Shadowverse, Spy Classroom

Seasonal Summaries Summer 2023
Truly there is no content you need more than the first impressions of the shows a no-name anime blogger is watching this season. I’ll start with sequels because…

What I am Watching and Writing About for Summer 2023
Welcome to Anime Rants. For Summer 2023, I will be watching nine series and writing episode reviews for them. However, the episode reviews won’t be every week, as…

In case your wondering what I’ve been up to.
Hi there all fans! First of: Check out Nanto’s There you’ll find the project I’ve been working on lately. It’s an awesome, epic saga made by the master…
The Spear of Ryu – A Site dedicated to Ryu & other old Shounen´s

What I’ve Been Up To – July to October 2022
Aaaaand I’m back! Unfortunately, my time and energy have been lacking at times over these last few months. Which means I’ve been sitting on these mini pieces for…
Why I’ve Been Gone
It’s been a whole 2 months since I’ve posted a blog. Coming up with stuff to write about can be hard, but even this is abnormal for me.…

Summer of SoL: Non Non Biyori & What Happens in the Pauses
As fans well know, Non Non Biyori is a show punctuated by pauses. In fact, many of the top comments on Crunchyroll have to do with viewers who’ve…

More Anime I’ve Been Watching In Lockdown | GITM Podcast Ep. 81
Unsurprisingly, we’re back in lockdown once again. But that also has meant is that I have been able to watch a bit more anime (while juggling everything else…

I’ve Started Watching Movies. That’s Been A Good Idea So Far.
Check out these 10 cool movies that you might or might not have heard about before.

Top 10 Non-Seasonal Anime I Started Watching in January
This is a new series that I have been working on. Every month, I’m going to talk about the best and worst anime I started watching in each…

Top 10 Non-Seasonal Anime I Started Watching in February
February has the most overrated and most underrated American holidays in the same month. While I can’t stand Valentine’s Day, I like Groundhog Day and Lincoln Day. Plus,…

Summer 2023 Non-Isekai Fantasy Round-Up
Posted: Last week, I did a run-through on the various isekai titles for the Summer 2023 season. Despite isekai tending to dominate the fantasy genre these days, this…
Bleach, Classroom for Heroes, Helck, Reign of the Seven Spellblades

A Seasonal Review — Summer 2023
Didn’t Watch: Am I Actually the Strongest?, Atelier Ryza, Ayaka, BanG Dream! It’s MyGo, Bleach, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Dark Gathering, The Duke of Death and His Maid S2, FLCL…
The Duke of Death and His Maid, The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today, Am I Actually the Strongest?, Bleach, Cardfight Vanguard

Seasonal Summaries: Summer 2023 Roundup
Man this is a weird season of anime. Despite the fact we’re hitting the 12 week mark and getting ready to start a new season, the bulk of…

What I’m Watching For Spring 2023
Konnichiwa, my readers! I’m finally done covering episode reviews from Winter 2023, so it’s time to move on to the current season of Spring 2023. There are many…

Spring 2023 Anime – What We’re Watching
Welcome back to Otaku Thursday! We are now at least one week out from Sakuracon–which means Star and I are totally swamped with cosplay. Or at least I…

Winter 2023: What Anime We’re Watching
Welcome back to Otaku Thursday! As the month heats up, I’m working on our annual anime awards which will be coming to a computer near you very soon.…

I’ve Been Making Videos Lately…
I hope my video editing skills get better!

Summer 2022 Anime: What I’ll be Watching
I’m not the biggest fan of watching seasonal anime. I don’t have anything against it, but the last time I decided to watch seasonal anime I ended up…
The Devil is a Part-Timer!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Call of the Night

What I’m (Probably) Watching for Summer 2022
Summer 2022 is stacked, but here is what I am realistically going to be watching.

What I’m (Probably) Watching for Summer 2024
With a bit of a late start, here is what I’m interested in for the summer season.
Short Takes - what I've been reading and watching since August
A review of several books, anime, and manga
exception, Kageki Shojo!!, Maria Watches Over Us, Maria Watches Over Us, Suzume

What I’ll be Watching in Spring 2023
This post will be shorter, less structured, and more laid-back than my previous “season watchlist” posts. Partly because I’m already a bit late to the party—I usually do…

What I’m (Probably) Watching for Spring 2023
A look at what I will (probably) be watching for the upcoming spring 2023 season.

Every Anime Worth Watching in Summer 2023
After the huge success off the previous anime season, the Summer 2023 anime season is just as hype. Featuring new anime like Zom 100 or My Happy Marriage…
Bungo Stray Dogs 5, JUJUTSU KAISEN, Masamune-kun's Revenge R, My Happy Marriage, Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon

What I’ll Be Watching – Summer 2021 Anime Season
The summer anime season has a lot of hype, and a lot of yikes.

Summer 2021 Anime: What I Will Be Watching
The weather is warming up, and the increase in heat brings along with it a new season of anime. As ever, I shall be sharing with you which…
Awake, Love Live! Superstar!!, Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Summer 2024 Anime: What I Will Be Watching
The summer season of anime is almost upon us, so I shall be sharing with you the shows that I intend to watch once it has started.
Dungeon People, MAYONAKA PUNCH, Narenare -Cheer for you!-, NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Cour 2, SHY Season 2

Summer 2022 Anime: What I Will Be Watching
Ugh, it’s hot. Must mean it is summertime. Perfect weather for staying inside and watching anime all day. Seriously, I don’t want to risk getting sunburn. Wouldn’t you…
TEPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry, YUREI DECO, Extreme Hearts, Love Live! Superstar!!, Prima Doll

Some Manga I’ve Been Reading Recently
I’ve always said that I have never been much of a manga reader, but I seem to have been reading more manga recently then ever before. Lately, I…

I’ve Been Nominated for an Award?!
Answering some questions and tagging other bloggers for the Liebster award.

What I’ve watched on YouTube recently (2023-08-20)
Lately, I haven’t been liking a lot of YouTube videos. I was at this point where I was more passively watching YouTube videos. But, there are a few…