This week, it's been a while since Shaun has given Remington a choice of multiple shows to watch, and Remington decides on watching all 13 episodes of the anime adaptation of the RPG Maker horror classic Ao Oni so fast it's as if the option wasn't even there. Meanwhile, Remington makes a genuinely compelling case to watch this show. If you'd like to give us feedback, ask a question, or correct a mistake, send an email to or tweet at us @AnimeConPod. Visit our Patreon at if you would like to contribute to the show and get bonus content ranging from clips from our pre-episode banter, bonus episodes (including the 12 days of April Fools), our prototype Episode 0, to even getting shoutouts in the show! Intro and Outro are trimmed from "Remiga Impulse" by Jens Kiilstofte, licensed by MachinimaSound to Anime Out of Context under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 which the licensor has modified for the licensee to allow reproduction and sharing of the Adapted Material for Commercial purposes
Aug 26, 2023 • Subscribe
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