In this Episode, Xan reviews a dramatic slice of life manga by the queen of Josei Manga series. How impactful is it? Well, sit back and find out as he reviews River's Edge by Kyoko Okazaki. As Our Intrepid Host discusses this manga, he remains vague as to not spoil too much of the plot. He also hints at what happened at Otakon and goes over the latest manga news. In this episode, Xan reviews an awesome reverse Isekai manga about a famous Chinese strategist becoming a manager of a techno pop singer. How crazy does it make you? Well Sit Back and Find out as he reviews  the comedy music manga Ya Boy Kongming! by Yuto Yotsuba with art by Ryo Ogawa.   As our intrepid host geeks out over this manga, he also goes over the basic history of Kongming, the great concept of the story, the latest manga releases and more importantly, his schedule for Otakon 2023, Next Week. Remember to Like, Share and Subscribe. Follow us @spiraken on Twitter and @spiraken on Instagram, subscribe to this podcast and our YouTube channel, Support our Patreon and if you would kindly, please go to and give us a great rating on Apple Podcasts. Also join our discord and Thank you, hope you enjoy this episode. #spiraken #mangareview #wheelofmanga #joseimanga #dramamanga #sliceoflifemanga  #kyokookazaki#riversedge #kodansha #podcasthq #manga #spirakenreviewpodcast Music Used in This Episode: Warning Music -Be Crazy For Me by Eiko (Paripi Kongmei OST), Closing Theme-Trendsetter by Mood Maze (Uppbeat) Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: YEPNB5COHX56JVES WHERE TO FIND US Our Instagram Our Email Xan's Email Our Patron or Our Discord Our Twitter Our Youtube Channel Our Twitch Our Amazon Store Random Question of the Day: Did you have a "treasure" when you were a child?

Spiraken Review Podcast