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5 results
Finally! Some fantasy that does not (seem to) suck!
This came outta nowhere. I’d read about Deltora Quest in many of the Winter previews but wrote it off as another of those generic & cheesy fantasy shows.…
This (Nodame Cantabile) has been my most anticipated anime of 2007 so far (apart from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu S2 of course). Even though I haven’t read the…
Changes! (of the good kind!)
First and foremost, Happy New Year everyone! Yet again, it’s been a while since I last blogged but let’s not dwell on that.. The one thing that inspired…
Ketsui No Asa Ni – Aqua Timez (Brave Story ED/Insert)
Haharr, managed to get a copy of this (thanks to [aznmp3]) — sharing for all those who’ve got addicted to this after watching Brave Story. Ketsui No Asa…
With the Bad comes the Good (A Brave Story Review)
That was beautiful, one of the (rare?) moments where Gonzo did not screw up. This has been on my ‘must-watch’ list ever since I saw the trailer subbed…