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29 results

Featured image for This series drove Japanese editors to tearsBackground image for This series drove Japanese editors to tears

This series drove Japanese editors to tears

Imagine waiting an entire year for your favorite thing to post something new. In this video I review & Discuss The Spirit of Wonder. Spirit of wonder is…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Kenny Plays: Breath of Fire IIIBackground image for Kenny Plays: Breath of Fire III

Kenny Plays: Breath of Fire III

Anime, lost media, Games, the works. Drop by & say hi. Donations Patreon Twitter

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Japan's $1,000,000 Dinosaur StatueBackground image for Japan's $1,000,000 Dinosaur Statue

Japan's $1,000,000 Dinosaur Statue

Exactly 30 years ago an 18 meter tall, 30 meter long dinosaur appeared in Shinjuku, Tokyo in an event that celebrated 1 million MSX computers sold. Created by…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Shonen Jump's LEGENDARY Dog AnimeBackground image for Shonen Jump's LEGENDARY Dog Anime

Shonen Jump's LEGENDARY Dog Anime

A very unknown series from Jump. I think it shows up somewhere in a cell phone game but that's it. There's no mention of it in any of…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Worst Stream EverBackground image for The Worst Stream Ever

The Worst Stream Ever

Anime, lost media, Games, the works. Drop by & say hi. Donations Patreon Twitter kenny lauderdale, anime, 80s anime, anime review, worst anime, anime ova, kenny lauderdale livestream, livestream, worst anime ever,…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for 🔴Kenny Plays: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeBackground image for 🔴Kenny Plays: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

🔴Kenny Plays: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Anime, lost media, Games, the works. Drop by & say hi. Donations Patreon Twitter kenny lauderdale, anime, 80s anime, anime review, worst anime, anime ova, kenny lauderdale livestream, livestream, worst anime ever,…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for I Bought This Anime For 1 YenBackground image for I Bought This Anime For 1 Yen

I Bought This Anime For 1 Yen

Serious candidate for worst anime of all time. I only spent 1 yen on this & I still feel ripped off. There's bad anime, & then there's terrible…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Locating Lost AnimeBackground image for Locating Lost Anime

Locating Lost Anime

A deep dive into lost anime stuck on film. Is all lost anime on film? Well, some is on VHS, & others are so lost we only know…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Kenny Plays: Pikmin 2Background image for Kenny Plays: Pikmin 2

Kenny Plays: Pikmin 2

Anime, lost media, Games, the works. Drop by & say hi. Donations Patreon Twitter kenny lauderdale, anime, 80s anime, anime review, worst anime, anime ova, kenny lauderdale livestream, livestream, worst anime ever,…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Strangest Anime YetBackground image for Strangest Anime Yet

Strangest Anime Yet

I'm pretty sure this is the only time any human being has ever discussed this anime in the history of mankind. Some may say discussing an anime with…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for This Anime Doesn't ExistBackground image for This Anime Doesn't Exist

This Anime Doesn't Exist

No, not G-Gundam. The photo he's holding comes from an anime called Kamen Senshi Lavithunder that was found advertised on a vinyl record......and it doesn't exist. Kenny Lauderdale…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for They Only Aired This at MidnightBackground image for They Only Aired This at Midnight

They Only Aired This at Midnight

It was the only anime to ever be backed by a smoke company, so for legal reasons they couldn't air it during the day. I don't think that's…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Sailor Suit Rebel AllianceBackground image for The Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance

The Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance

There's an entire genre's worth of these shows where schoolgirls with long skirts & bad attitudes fight people. No anime this time, instead it's a series review…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Does This Anime Even Exist?Background image for Does This Anime Even Exist?

Does This Anime Even Exist?

A Lost anime so unknown, there's no proof it exists. Kenny Lauderdale (me), covers a lost anime found on a vinyl record that seemingly doesn't exist. Japan…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for This Anime Borders on Copyright InfringementBackground image for This Anime Borders on Copyright Infringement

This Anime Borders on Copyright Infringement

Elfie is a studio ghibli style anime like nausicaa of the valley of the wind. Hayao miyazaki didn't do the art, but it's so close it was never…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Golden Bat: Japan's First Super HeroBackground image for Golden Bat: Japan's First Super Hero

Golden Bat: Japan's First Super Hero

Before Superman, Before Batman, before One Punch Man, before My Hero Academia, before manga, comic books, & anime as we know it, there was a laughing skeleton…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Watch this in 2061Background image for Watch this in 2061

Watch this in 2061

It's not on any of the timelines from the company who produced it. Maybe they don't own the rights to it anymore? Kenny lauderdale (me), reviews Legend of…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for They Drew Every Grain of SandBackground image for They Drew Every Grain of Sand

They Drew Every Grain of Sand

Who needs story when an anime looks this pretty? Kenny lauderdale reviews Dragon's Heaven, a beautiful anime from the 80s that history has almost forgotten. Moebius may have…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Best Bad AnimeBackground image for The Best Bad Anime

The Best Bad Anime

Kenny lauderdale (me), goes insane watching Chargeman ken, the most legendarily bad anime ever created. It's so bad it may actually be the best anime of all time.…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Strange Story of Creamy MamiBackground image for The Strange Story of Creamy Mami

The Strange Story of Creamy Mami

She was pretty big in the 80s to the point where modern anime wouldn't be the same without her. The butterfly effect is real. If this didn't exist…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for It Moves At Two Seconds a FrameBackground image for It Moves At Two Seconds a Frame

It Moves At Two Seconds a Frame

We can argue about who was responsible for this all day long, but the fact is we all let this happen. You were there, I was there, this…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Good Luck Trying to Watch ThisBackground image for Good Luck Trying to Watch This

Good Luck Trying to Watch This

Thought to be lost, I cover an anime nobody's seen clips of, or even screenshots of in 30 years. Kenny lauderdale takes a look at a sukeban anime…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Curse of Minky MomoBackground image for The Curse of Minky Momo

The Curse of Minky Momo

My computer crashed 110 times trying to edit this video. Kenny lauderdale (me) breaks down this genre defining series & talks about the history surrounding the most famous…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for This Anime Heals YouBackground image for This Anime Heals You

This Anime Heals You

Yokohama Shopping Log, also known as YKK & Yokohama kaidashi kikou is an incredibly laid back anime ova by hitoshi ashinano. It's almost too relaxing to even do…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for The Show That Ended a GenreBackground image for The Show That Ended a Genre

The Show That Ended a Genre

Why? Because nothing could ever top it. I talk about Shoujo Commando Izumi, a Japanese delinquent schoolgirl series from 1988. Originally planned as a sequel to the hit…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for Boss Girl Fights All of Japan With a Solid Gold CoinBackground image for Boss Girl Fights All of Japan With a Solid Gold Coin

Boss Girl Fights All of Japan With a Solid Gold Coin

A look back at an insane japanese drama from the 80's you've probably never heard of. Kenny lauderdale (me) breaks down this jdrama as well as the…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for A Misunderstood VillainBackground image for A Misunderstood Villain

A Misunderstood Villain

Join Kenny Lauderdale as he delves into the mysterious world of The Laughing Salesman, an under-rated Japanese anime series created by Fujiko A. Fujio. Explore the story of…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for USA according to JapanBackground image for USA according to Japan

USA according to Japan

This anime has a 20 minute intro. It's literally an MTV music video in anime form. No seriously, when does the anime start? This intro has been going…

kenny lauderdale

Featured image for This is The Worst Kind of AnimeBackground image for This is The Worst Kind of Anime

This is The Worst Kind of Anime

I'm starting to think the 1980's may not have been the decade it was hyped up to be. Twinkle nora rock me might have been badly animated, but…

kenny lauderdale