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Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 11: The Battle For TimeBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 11: The Battle For Time

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 11: The Battle For Time

When we last left our heroines they faced off against the big bad of the show who was about to execute his master plan. Let’s see if they…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 10: Time PanicBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 10: Time Panic

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 10: Time Panic

We left our heroines in quite the predicament last episode. Let’s see if they were able to find a way to take action.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 11: Doubles PartyBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 11: Doubles Party
Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 11: Reverse-o-RamaBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 11: Reverse-o-Rama

Momentary Lily Episode 11: Reverse-o-Rama

Thought last episode was full of mind blowing reveals? Well here are some more!

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 9: Time StormBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 9: Time Storm
Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 10: The Little Big ShotBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 10: The Little Big Shot

Sorairo Utility Episode 10: The Little Big Shot

It would appear the Elder One will have to wait a little longer. I know the need for the backstory is eating him alive but patience my friend.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 10: Send in the RevealBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 10: Send in the Reveal

Momentary Lily Episode 10: Send in the Reveal

We were expecting this episode to drop bombshells on us and dang girl did it ever.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for OG’s Spring 2025 Anime PicksBackground image for OG’s Spring 2025 Anime Picks

OG’s Spring 2025 Anime Picks

While Winter 2025 had some good to solid Yuri goodness it was only enough to satiate the thirst of the Emo Resurgence. Not what I’m looking for. Let’s…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 8: Two FairiesBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 8: Two Fairies

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 8: Two Fairies

When we last left our heroines Chikurun the bee fairy made their cameo appearance with news on Hisui’s whereabouts. Let’s see what they had to share.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 9: Alleviations and More BlessingsBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 9: Alleviations and More Blessings

Momentary Lily Episode 9: Alleviations and More Blessings

A calm after a storm along with another small dose of greatness.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 9: The Passion of a Young AdultBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 9: The Passion of a Young Adult

Sorairo Utility Episode 9: The Passion of a Young Adult

I like to think the writers read the Elder One’s little rant about the story not picking up so they made this episode to somewhat qualm him.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 7: Time ScareBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 7: Time Scare

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 7: Time Scare

Let’s see if our heroines could recover after the shocking events of the last episode.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility 7+8: Of Special Moves and CaddiesBackground image for Sorairo Utility 7+8: Of Special Moves and Caddies

Sorairo Utility 7+8: Of Special Moves and Caddies

Last episode was straightforward so not much to say but the next one had a bit more to work with.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 8: Clash For The TruthBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 8: Clash For The Truth

Momentary Lily Episode 8: Clash For The Truth

When we last left Renge she was fueled by a need to find answers and a didn’t want to put her homies in danger. Let’s see how it…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily 3-7: OG Returns to This ShowBackground image for Momentary Lily 3-7: OG Returns to This Show

Momentary Lily 3-7: OG Returns to This Show

Considering what a lot of peeps in the Yuri community favor nowadays and my worry about what this show had become based on the events of Episode 2…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 6: Time TwistBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 6: Time Twist
Featured image for Sora-iro Utility Episode 6: Golf QuestBackground image for Sora-iro Utility Episode 6: Golf Quest
Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 5: Time FliesBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 5: Time Flies

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 5: Time Flies

More adult observations with our favorite Magical Rangers.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 5: Role Model BeefBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 5: Role Model Beef

Sorairo Utility Episode 5: Role Model Beef

Last time Minami found her destined club as it were. Let’s see what she got up to this time.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 4: Rebel JadeBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 4: Rebel Jade

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 4: Rebel Jade

It’s that time of a parent’s life. I assume the 2nd most challenging after giving birth.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 4: Macho MerchantsBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 4: Macho Merchants
Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 3: Time TroubleBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 3: Time Trouble

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 3: Time Trouble

Last time Mirai was left with an ominous vision of what might come to pass at some point. Thus our heroines prepare to ensure it does not.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 3: Model golferBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 3: Model golfer
Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 2: The Little MysteryBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 2: The Little Mystery

Mahou Tsukai PreCure!! -Mirai Days- Episode 2: The Little Mystery

After a banger of a premiere we were left with an odd message from the villain and a familiar looking cutie.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure! -Mirai Days- Episode 1: Return of The Super MagesBackground image for Mahou Tsukai PreCure! -Mirai Days- Episode 1: Return of The Super Mages

Mahou Tsukai PreCure! -Mirai Days- Episode 1: Return of The Super Mages

At long last my most anticipated anime of Winter 2025 premiered. I currently don’t know when it’ll get paid subs but until then we’re gonna “Girls Band Cry”…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 2: Title DropBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 2: Title Drop
Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 2: Lvl 1 GolferBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 2: Lvl 1 Golfer

Sorairo Utility Episode 2: Lvl 1 Golfer

When we last saw our aspiring super protagonist Minami she’s invited by Akane to play on a real golf course. Let’s see how she fared in her first…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for OG’s Top 10 Favorite Anime of 2024Background image for OG’s Top 10 Favorite Anime of 2024

OG’s Top 10 Favorite Anime of 2024

Another year is in the books. While this year was not as bountiful as the magnificence that was “20-Gay-Three” 2024 definitely had its strong Yuri shows and moments…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Sorairo Utility Episode 1: Golf ProtagonistBackground image for Sorairo Utility Episode 1: Golf Protagonist

Sorairo Utility Episode 1: Golf Protagonist

It is here. The third golf girl anime and actually the first one unveiled before Birdie Wing and later Tonbo. With the wait finally over let’s see what’s…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Momentary Lily Episode 1: SetupBackground image for Momentary Lily Episode 1: Setup

Momentary Lily Episode 1: Setup

Alrighty then. 2025 officially started around here with the premiere episode of this curious show. What did the premiere have in store for us?

The Yuri Empire

Yuri Quickie: Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3

This third season is getting a Quickie because there is not much new I can add that I have not already in the G-Views of the previous two…

The Yuri Empire

500th G-View: Whisper Me a Love Song

This was absolutely not planned, as in I did not plan for this anime to be my 500th G-View but here we are. It is both an interesting…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for OG’s Winter 2025 Anime PicksBackground image for OG’s Winter 2025 Anime Picks

OG’s Winter 2025 Anime Picks

#Yuridemption is about to begin. However, it will be a slow start. Not to worry for Spring is already looking to be pretty stacked. Until then let’s see…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.9 + 3.10: Close to a WrapBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.9 + 3.10: Close to a Wrap

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.9 + 3.10: Close to a Wrap

These episodes feel like we’re nearing the end of Liella’s journey. I appreciate blessings like this. Thank you as always Love Live.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Yuri Quickie: Arcane Season 2Background image for Yuri Quickie: Arcane Season 2

Yuri Quickie: Arcane Season 2

Been a while, about 3 years, since I talked about the first season of Arcane HERE. After a long wait, including some delays, the question is whether it…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.8: School Idol ClashBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.8: School Idol Clash

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.8: School Idol Clash

The long-awaited Liella vs NWO duel was upon us. Let’s check out the go-home show and the event itself.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for I Moved to Blue SkyBackground image for I Moved to Blue Sky

I Moved to Blue Sky

I will do my best to keep it simple, emphasis on “do my best”. Readers who want to skip the explanation and go right to my BlueSky page…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for 2025: The Year of YuridemptionBackground image for 2025: The Year of Yuridemption

2025: The Year of Yuridemption

I wanted to post this while my hype levels were as high as a kite flown at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I wanted to celebrate what…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.7: NWO HuddleBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.7: NWO Huddle

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.7: NWO Huddle

After the really cool performance in Shanghai, what was next for our heroines?

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.6: KekeoveryBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.6: Kekeovery

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.6: Kekeovery

When we last left our heroines they were invited to the magical kingdom of Shanghai to find their missing comadre. They were met by a surprise beauty who…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 5: Quest for KekelotBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 5: Quest for Kekelot
Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.4: The Sisters CashBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.4: The Sisters Cash
Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.3: The Doctor’s LightBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.3: The Doctor’s Light
Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.2: Coach KanonBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.2: Coach Kanon

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.2: Coach Kanon

When we last left our main girl she surprised her peeps with an unexpected decision. Let’s see what happened next.

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.1: The NWOBackground image for Love Live! Superstar!! 3.1: The NWO

Love Live! Superstar!! 3.1: The NWO

Well here we are again talking about Gen 4 of the Love Live Universe as we continue right where we left off after the end credits of Season…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for 499th G-View: My Deer Friend NokotanBackground image for 499th G-View: My Deer Friend Nokotan

499th G-View: My Deer Friend Nokotan

I came into this anime expecting to lose braincells and become dumber by the end. Sure enough that is exactly what happened. Do I regret this decision? Find…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for 498th G-View: VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My StreamBackground image for 498th G-View: VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream

498th G-View: VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream

It only felt right that after the VTuber boom an anime adaptation of a manga about Virtual Youtubers would appear. The question is whether it is worth watching…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for 497th G-View: Na-Nare Hana-NareBackground image for 497th G-View: Na-Nare Hana-Nare

497th G-View: Na-Nare Hana-Nare

This next G-View is of a show I would like to refer to as the spiritual successor to the criminally underrated Anima Yell! anime adaptation. So much so I kept…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for 496th G-View: Mayonaka PunchBackground image for 496th G-View: Mayonaka Punch

496th G-View: Mayonaka Punch

What happens when you have a disgruntled Youtuber and a lesbian vampire who has the hots for her join forces to create a brand new channel? You get…

The Yuri Empire

Featured image for OG’s Fall 2024 Anime PicksBackground image for OG’s Fall 2024 Anime Picks

OG’s Fall 2024 Anime Picks

Alrighty folks. I’m back from my vacation to Medellin. It wasn’t the best but I found some enjoyment after days of medical checkups and annoying medics freaking my…

The Yuri Empire