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33 results

Featured image for Mikane and the Sea Woman (Update)Background image for Mikane and the Sea Woman (Update)

Mikane and the Sea Woman (Update)

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the new series I was reading, Mikane and the Sea Woman, and how it went from typical love/coming-of-age shenanigans to horror…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Mikane and the Sea Woman (Manga Review)Background image for Mikane and the Sea Woman (Manga Review)

Mikane and the Sea Woman (Manga Review)

Mikane, a boy on the cusp of manhood, returns to the small-town island community where he was born to live with his father. Walking along the beach, he…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Do Androids Dream of Electric Lesbians? (Gene of AI ep. 8)Background image for Do Androids Dream of Electric Lesbians? (Gene of AI ep. 8)

Do Androids Dream of Electric Lesbians? (Gene of AI ep. 8)

Gene of AI continues to be one of my favorite shows, a glimpse into a possible near future. Episode 8 took a little bit of flak from viewers,…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Anime Review: Lost UniverseBackground image for Anime Review: Lost Universe

Anime Review: Lost Universe

Spoilers for the first episode of Lost Universe! I have a sneaking suspicion that Lost Universe, an anime that ran in 1998 and is based on a series…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: A Sign of AffectionBackground image for Manga Review: A Sign of Affection

Manga Review: A Sign of Affection

Yesterday, I signed my kids up for lessons in American Sign Language. (They’ve just expressed an interest in it, so I figured why not.) Today, entirely by chance,…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: HinamatsuriBackground image for Manga Review: Hinamatsuri

Manga Review: Hinamatsuri

The Anzu houseless arc stands out to me as one of the best in anime, period; that alone is worth the price of admission for the series.

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for New Series Review: Shojo NullBackground image for New Series Review: Shojo Null

New Series Review: Shojo Null

Ever since the manga of The Promised Neverland ended, I’ve been looking for something to replace it. The twists and turns, the reveals and worldbuilding, the horror and…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for On the Borders of the Other World: The Isekai-AdjacentBackground image for On the Borders of the Other World: The Isekai-Adjacent

On the Borders of the Other World: The Isekai-Adjacent

"And if that means spending two seconds to say Dr. Isekai Jones was hit by a drunk reindeer on Christmas Eve in Tokyo and wound up in Middle-Earth,…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Mid-Season Check-In: The Gene of AIBackground image for Mid-Season Check-In: The Gene of AI

Mid-Season Check-In: The Gene of AI

During what seems like the dim and distant past, at the beginning of the current anime season, I wrote the following over at Beneath the Tangles about episode…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Theatrical Release Review: Princess Mononoke

At the end of the film, I wanted more: more of the story, more of the magic, but most of all more of Princess Mononoke!

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: Fairy Tail: 100 Years QuestBackground image for Manga Review: Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest

Manga Review: Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest

Spoilers for the first few chapters of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest! It’s another day at the Fairy Tail guild! Three new members are being welcomed in: a…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: Seven Deadly SinsBackground image for Manga Review: Seven Deadly Sins

Manga Review: Seven Deadly Sins

Spoilers for the first four chapters of Seven Deadly Sins! Longtime readers of “Curiously Dead Cat” know that Yours Truly tends to be pretty positive about the things…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Webtoon Review: Doom BreakerBackground image for Webtoon Review: Doom Breaker

Webtoon Review: Doom Breaker

Spoilers for the early chapters of Doom Breaker! Sometimes your find a gem of a story that takes a well-worn formula and…actually does it well. Doom Breaker is…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: Blue PeriodBackground image for Manga Review: Blue Period

Manga Review: Blue Period

Spoilers for the first four chapters of Blue Period! Yatora is in many ways a typical high school student, dealing with questions of who he is and what…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Manga Review: GACHIAKUTABackground image for Manga Review: GACHIAKUTA

Manga Review: GACHIAKUTA

Spoilers for GACHIAKUTA chapters 1-5: Kodansha’s new K Manga app has a lot of manga available to read, and I am here for it! For one thing, a…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Skip and Loafer, The Sound of Music, and the Toxic GirlfriendBackground image for Skip and Loafer, The Sound of Music, and the Toxic Girlfriend
Featured image for Spring 2023 Anime Explained PoorlyBackground image for Spring 2023 Anime Explained Poorly

Spring 2023 Anime Explained Poorly

Too many new series this season got you overwhelmed? Not sure where to spend your precious viewing hours? Well, look no further! The Curiously Dead Cat has got…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Chainsaw Man and the Freeze-Frame BonusBackground image for Chainsaw Man and the Freeze-Frame Bonus

Chainsaw Man and the Freeze-Frame Bonus

Chainsaw Man! The hot new series that is on the “cutting edge” of anime! #sorrynotsorry I didn’t get into CSM when the manga first launched. But the manga…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for A Mysterious Sign (Rebuild World Manga Ch. 2)Background image for A Mysterious Sign (Rebuild World Manga Ch. 2)

A Mysterious Sign (Rebuild World Manga Ch. 2)

All at once, the adrenaline began coursing through my body. Was this the moment that those years of Greek in college would finally pay off?!

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for “Rebuild World”: My Secret ProjectBackground image for “Rebuild World”: My Secret Project

“Rebuild World”: My Secret Project

Hey everyone! So, your cat friend has been ultra-quiet lately. But that’s not to say I’ve not been doing anything. Still waters run deep. And I’m finally free…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for The Winter of our Discontent: Modern & Continuing Anime Series in Winter 2022Background image for The Winter of our Discontent: Modern & Continuing Anime Series in Winter 2022

The Winter of our Discontent: Modern & Continuing Anime Series in Winter 2022

Last time, we looked at new fantasy, isekai, and sci-fi series; this time, we take a gander at new series set in the "real" world, as well as…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for A Winter Wonderland: SF Anime in Winter 2022Background image for A Winter Wonderland: SF Anime in Winter 2022

A Winter Wonderland: SF Anime in Winter 2022

Here's the fantasy and sci-fi anime I'm watching in the winter 2022 season!

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Merry Christmas! (2021)Background image for Merry Christmas! (2021)

Merry Christmas! (2021)

Well, it’s been quite a year. The number of posts I’ve written in 2021 probably numbers in the single digits. And you know what? That’s ok. This is…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Best Anime Women of Spring 2021Background image for Best Anime Women of Spring 2021

Best Anime Women of Spring 2021

As we dive into a new anime season (I know we’re well into it, but new series are still dropping), let us take one last retrospective, casting an…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Worst Anime OPs of All TimeBackground image for Worst Anime OPs of All Time

Worst Anime OPs of All Time

Below are the ten most cacophonous OPs to scorch my ears and eyes. They are accompanied by my ratings and the uncensored thoughts that went through my head…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Best Date Ever! (Combatants Will Be Dispatched! ep 2)Background image for Best Date Ever! (Combatants Will Be Dispatched! ep 2)

Best Date Ever! (Combatants Will Be Dispatched! ep 2)

There's no lack of date scenes in anime. But of all the ones I've seen, this was one of the most entertaining—and one of the sweetest!

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Wrapping Up the Winter 2021 Anime SeasonBackground image for Wrapping Up the Winter 2021 Anime Season

Wrapping Up the Winter 2021 Anime Season

The Winter 2021 season is just about over! Here's what I watched, and how it fared according to my discriminating tastes:

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Of Ones and ZerosBackground image for Of Ones and Zeros

Of Ones and Zeros

"The umschlauss of semi-being has its deontological point of rupture in that which is withheld." (I made that up.)

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Foresight is 2020Background image for Foresight is 2020

Foresight is 2020

It’s the third anniversary from the day I signed up on WordPress and started blogging about anime! Coincidentally, today I published this post over at Beneath the Tangles.…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Quarantined!Background image for Quarantined!


So I’ve joked about being quarantined before, but it’s really just lockdown. NOW I’m really in quarantine. Started feeling off almost a week ago, then better, then worse,…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Fire Force S2 E7: An Allegory for ModernityBackground image for Fire Force S2 E7: An Allegory for Modernity

Fire Force S2 E7: An Allegory for Modernity

I’m convinced the latest episode of Fire Force is an allegory for the modern western world. I mean, look at this: They come to a continent, call it…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for “Power back online, Captain!”Background image for “Power back online, Captain!”

“Power back online, Captain!”

I’m alive! As you may recall, I wrote not long ago about some difficulties I have been dealing with, and the consequent depression and lack of energy that…

The Curiously Dead Cat

Featured image for Shadowverse 6: Dark Night of the Existential Card PlayerBackground image for Shadowverse 6: Dark Night of the Existential Card Player

Shadowverse 6: Dark Night of the Existential Card Player

Shadowverse is an epic game. The art is amazing (see the Mono card at the top of this post, for instance). It’s too bad, if understandable, that the…

The Curiously Dead Cat