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8 results

Why I Love Idol Anime
It’s something my siblings have teased me about from time to time when they see I’m watching an anime. “Is this one about making a school band too?”…

Happy Birthday to Me
31 years today, babayyy! I don’t know if I said it before, but my birthday is my favourite day of the year. It’s the day that I survived…

Talking About Happiness (Again)
It’s been quite some time since I last wrote something on this blog, huh? That’s embarrassing. I’m hoping once again I can get out of my rut and…

Some of My Latest Concerns
Ahhhh, that sweet sense and smell of existential dread!~ It’s stronger than any caffeinated drink known to humankind when it comes to keeping someone up during the nighttime…

I Miss My Dogs
There’s a quote by Will Rogers that reads, “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” As I…

My Favourite Quote
“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster,…

Five Ways I Continue to Be Happy
I am a person who is happy almost all the time. Seriously. Now nobody is happy all the time, of course. Everyone is capable of pain and sorrow,…

The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Frieren
What will your final words be just before you die? Today I ordered a book titled, “Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the…