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10 results

Featured image for A Tribute To A Legendary Mangaka: Kentaro Miura, Creator of BerserkBackground image for A Tribute To A Legendary Mangaka: Kentaro Miura, Creator of Berserk

A Tribute To A Legendary Mangaka: Kentaro Miura, Creator of Berserk

It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this article. The news that I am about to relay has undoubtedly already been heard by a lot…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Ghost Hunt: Let’s Get Some Nostalgia In The HouseBackground image for Ghost Hunt: Let’s Get Some Nostalgia In The House

Ghost Hunt: Let’s Get Some Nostalgia In The House

I do believe I have talked about my experience with Ghost Hunt in the past. It was one of the first manga I read, it was one of…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Summer 2020 Watchlist And Recommendations!Background image for Summer 2020 Watchlist And Recommendations!

Summer 2020 Watchlist And Recommendations!

Hoooh! It is hot out here, and I’m not just referring to the apocalyptic amounts of heat that even an aircon can’t curb! No! I’m talking about all…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for How I Manage My Seasonal AnimeBackground image for How I Manage My Seasonal Anime

How I Manage My Seasonal Anime

How are you doing my dear readers? A humid summer is approaching where I live and I’m not exactly excited about the thought of being basted like a…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Why Domestic Girlfriend, Why?!Background image for Why Domestic Girlfriend, Why?!

Why Domestic Girlfriend, Why?!

The news that Domestic Girlfriend, or Domestic Na Kanojo, the seinen-romance manga series by Kei Sasuga-sensei, the author of Good Ending before this, has been making it’s rounds…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Send My Regards To Kenshiro: Hokuto Not ShinkenBackground image for Send My Regards To Kenshiro: Hokuto Not Shinken

Send My Regards To Kenshiro: Hokuto Not Shinken

No, the title of this post is not a typo, and neither are the subtle connotations of sass and comedy that you’re picking up from the name of…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Wortenia Senki Is An Ideal IsekaiBackground image for Wortenia Senki Is An Ideal Isekai

Wortenia Senki Is An Ideal Isekai

Where do i even begin my dear readers(probably by conveniently ignoring the fact that I’ve been AFK for almost a month)? Isekai is one of the biggest setting…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Why I Like Gigguk Now: Why DomeKano, Why?!Background image for Why I Like Gigguk Now: Why DomeKano, Why?!

Why I Like Gigguk Now: Why DomeKano, Why?!

So I’ve never really been a fan of Gigguk on youtube. Nothing against him in particular, I don’t follow most anitubers, but even the videos of him I…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Musings on Manga Part 3: Za WarudoBackground image for Musings on Manga Part 3: Za Warudo

Musings on Manga Part 3: Za Warudo

I bet you guys didn’t expect another post so soon huh? Manga and anime have really become huge around the world, especially in the past four years. We…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku

Featured image for Musing on Manga Part 2: Electric BoogalooBackground image for Musing on Manga Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Musing on Manga Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

So we left of last time talking about how I discovered manga and the scanlation groups of old(I write this as as much of a reminder for me…

The Blog Of A Kami That's An Otaku