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68 results, page 1 of 2

Shohei Ohtani? Ikue Otani #anime
Shohei Ohtani may be the greatest baseball player on earth, but he’s got nothing on Ikue Otani and her many voices. #pokemon #ohtani #onepiece - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:…

The BEST Studio Ghibli Dubs
What do Michael Keaton, Robert Pattinson and Christian Bale all have in common? Well, other than the fact they're Batman, they're also some of the best Studio Ghibli…

What’s in a Great First #anime Episode?
The emotions of #frieren and the shock of #oshinoko are just two examples of what makes a great first episode. #naruto - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

The Dopest 90s Anime Eyecatches
There's very little debate that 90s commercials were the peak of television. But even better than those two minutes without watching Cowboy Bebop were the five-second anime eyecatches…

1/2 Ranma, All Chad
Half boy, half girl, all Chad. A Ranma 1/2 remake was a long time coming and well-deserved for one of our original peak anime Chads. #ranma½ #anime #ranma…

Chads of Fantasy Anime
One Chad to rule them all. Actually, we've got four fantasy Chads for the price of one video today. Himmel the Hero inspires you to be a better…

The Unhinged Pokémon Christmas Album
Pokémon may be known for games, merch and cards but there is so much more to it than that. There's also an incredibly offensive Pokémon Christmas album. This…

Cute Girls Doing Christmas Things
Cute Girls Doing Cute Things is the superior genre of anime and Christmas is the superior holiday. So of course nothing is better than combining the forces of…

The Chadchachad of Dandadan
Ken Takakura is not just a famous Japanese actor of a bygone era. Ken Takakura is also an Otaku alien-loving freak show that has the powers of love…

Sports in Non-Sports Anime
Shohei Ohtani may seem like an anime character, but that doesn't mean I expect him to pop up in my favorite slice-of-life series. Yet sports and anime go…

Best #anime OPs of 2024
Creepy Nuts dominated 2024 with #mashle and #dandadan but there was a lot more to this year than just them. There were also Hokkaido Gals being super adorable. - INSTAGRAM:…

Blue Box: A Chadminton Story
Blue Box is a story of love and basketball....and badminton. And it's also basically a 90s sitcom. Only a Chad like Taiki could pull all of those concepts…

Manga Haul of Smut
Manga hauls and smut romance anime are the bread and butter of S Class Anime. So it's about time those two things came together for the crossover event…

Forget Shohei, Here's Japan's REAL Ohtani
Shohei Ohtani may very well be the greatest baseball player of all time. But he's not even the best Ohtani to come out of Japan. That honor goes…

How Naruto Saved a Hentai Artist
Nanashi AKA 774 is best known for creating the masterpiece known as Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro. But before he created that art, he needed to be…

Alya CAN'T Hide Her Feelings For Chadze
Alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian but when it comes to Kuze those feelings are right on out there. And when it comes to Kuze's sister? Nobody…

Plus-Sized Elf, Regular-Sized CHAD
Plus-Sized Elf provides us with one of our biggest #anime Chad videos yet. Grab some McDonald's fries and your thiccest elf girl body pillow, it's time to dig…

Ranking The Best Tournament Arcs in Anime
From the Shonen battles of the Dark Tournament Arc of YuYu Hakusho to the cooking of the Autumn Elections in Shokugeki no Soma, we dig into the greater…

The WORST Romance in Anime
Shonen Jump has featured many iconic anime romances, and Bakuman is no different. But is Ohba and Obata's manga iconic for being a great romcom? Oh, it most…

The Greatest Romcom Anime Chads
Chadano and Chadpai are the faces of S Class Anime, but these heroes also share their status as romcom anime kings with Ichikawa, Sakurai, and Gojo. #komicantcommunicate #nagato…

The Renaissance of Anime Elves
Anime Elf girls have lives that span thousands of years so we are truly blessed to be living at the same time as Frieren, Marcille, and the absolute…

The Ultimate Dragon Ball Waifu
The world of Dragon Ball is not one known for its waifu culture. But since Bulma and the gang first graced the pages of Shonen Jump, their impact…

Spice and Wolf: The CHAD Merchant
Spice and Wolf is so good they made it twice. Double the Kraft Lawrence Chadness, double the copious amounts of Holo getting naked for no reason. If you…

But is it Better than Frieren?
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End was our top anime of 2023. But how does it hold up against some of S Class Anime's other long-time favorite series? #frieren #zatchbell…

The Gnarliest 90s Anime OPs
The Anime OPs of the 90s were totally tubular. Just imagine Bill Clinton rocking out on his saxophone to Cowboy Bebop's Tank. Now that'd be dope. #anime #cowboybebop…

The Dangers in My Chad
Kyoutarou Ichikawa is not just the star of The Dangers in My Heart. He is ICHADkawa, the star of all anime romcoms. #thedangersinmyheart #anime #bokuyaba --- INSTAGRAM:…

Who is Chadano? #komisan
We know that Chadano is the real star of Komi Can't Communicate. Also Manbagi. #komicantcommunicate #komisan

Ranking The Best Glasses-Kun in Anime
The glasses-kun archetype is one of the most important in the world of anime. Without these irrelevant side characters, the world would come crashing down. Or the story…

The #SmashBros #Anime We Could've Had
Our dreams of a Super Smash Bros. anime will never die. Especially as long as we have Palutena from Kid Icarus popping off in her old Smash reveal…

First Anime Episodes That Get You Hooked
You never forget your first time. Anime is something special. Naruto is something special. Sexy Jutsu Naruto is something extraordinaryly special. #anime #frieren #naruto #oshinoko #attackontitan #zatchbell ---…

Frieren: Beyond Journey's CHAD
Himmel The Hero? No, Himmel The Chad. A man so epic that he rizzed up a geriatric elf like 100 years ago and she only just realized it…

Could Maomao Beat Prep Time Batman?
The Apothecary Diaries contains a character so powerful that not even Prep Time Batman could top them. Maomao is not just fiction's greatest detective, she is also Batman's…

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Love CHAD
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You don't actually love you. They love Rentarou the Chadtaro and nobody can compete with him. --- INSTAGRAM:…

Top Five Anime Siscons
The world of anime is filled with degenerates. Those degenerates are also known as siscons. Such vile creatures. They must be studied. #anime #spyxfamily #drstone #oshinoko #mashle - INSTAGRAM:…

Chadcle from Another World
Beauty. Power. and the undying Love for the greatest video game ever known to man. Meet your Chadcle from another world. #isekaiojisan #unclefromanotherworld #anime - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:…

So Much Zelda Manga #manga #zelda #legendofzelda #mangahaul #nintendo
From A Link to the Past to Majora's Mask, we've got Zelda Manga for days. - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Pokémon Adventures Never End #pokemon #manga #pokemonadventures #pokémon
Pokémon Adventures has been running in some capacity for multiple decades, but we still just bought the same exact story twice. - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

$100 for an Earthbound Manga #nintendo #manga #earthbound
This Mother 2 Manga certainly didn't come cheap. But for something 30 years old from Japan it certainly looks pretty good. #mangacollector #mother2 #ness - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

How's the Animal Crossing Manga so thin!?
The Animal Crossing Manga is basically the size of a brochure. This should be given out for free at hotels. #animalcrossing #animalcrossingnewhorizons #mangahaul #nintendo #nintendoswitch #manga - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER:…

Donkey Kong Manga From the 90s
Spent over $70 worth on Donkey Kong manga and didn't even get a coconut cream pie. #donkeykong #nintendo #manga #donkeykongcountry - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Oshi No Ko: My CHAD
When you've got a name like Aquamarine and you're still pulling girls left and right then you have officially earned the title of one of anime's greatest Chads.…

Where in the World is Ruri Dragon?
Where is Ruri Dragon? We don't really have the answer, but we do have hope. And that's gotta count for something. #ruridragon #shonenjump Credit to Reddit User Ancient_Breakfast_48…

Ranking the Idols of Oshi no Ko
Today we rank the stars of Oshi no Ko...and Melt kun - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Top 5 Anime Smokers
Today we rank the most tar-filled lungs in all of anime - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Exploring the World of Nintendo Manga
Nintendo has a ton of different types of merchandise, Today however we explore the world of Nintendo manga. We got Donkey Kong manga, Kirby manga, Mario manga and…

Fire Emblem Three Houses Husbandos: RANKED
John and Rob have ranked the Waifus of Fire Emblem Three Houses, but this time it's Claude, Dmitri and the many other Husbandos. - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Chad and Loafer
Skip and Loafer is one of the best rom-com anime of 2023. So of course Shima has joined the fraternity of Anime CHADS. - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

Pranking My Friend With $100 Furry Manga
What was supposed to be a birthday gift of manga has turned into furry filled chaos and suffering for all. - Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: - INSTAGRAM:…

Fire Emblem Engage Waifus: RANKED
John and Rob wrap up their Fire Emblem Waifu rankings for now with the latest entry, Fire Emblem Engage. - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST:

I Spent $1000 on Manga to Prove a Point
Justin claims his revenge against his nemesis Rob with this manga haul of pain and suffering Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: - INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: EMAIL: PODCAST: --- 00:00 Rob's despicable…