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14 results
Resurfacing for Some Year-End Reflection
I felt obligated to write some sort of year-end recap post despite feeling disconnected from the broader anime community so here it is. Anime: Much of my anime…
Overcoming Guilt About Watching & Reading Less
Alternate title: Maintaining Threadbare Connections; I Just Can’t Let This Blog Die I’ve had a sense for many years of being disconnected from current anime fandom, first as…
Heading toward spring with a hope that things are getting better
The last twelve months have been difficult for everyone – social disorder; worldwide illness, and deaths from COVID-19 and its variants; remote interactions failing to be complete substitutes…
Resurfacing for the blog’s 14th anniversary & getting into virtual YouTubers
Hey there. I realized a couple days ago that it’s been 14 years since I published my first anime blog post on May 14, 2006. The time feels…
Mid-November update: Cromartie & Code Geass; Extra Life stream next weekend
Hi there! It’s been a number of months since my last update. Too busy with law school courses. I watched Cromartie High School and the first season of…
Fear of “Flying”
Another popular genre is the witch show. Sometimes, they come off as ‘magical girl’, but they still are putting out some degree of wizardry and prestidigitation. And we…
2018: Changing my career path and watching mostly slice of life anime
2018 was a long year for me. I moved to another city and started law school. The Winter Olympics happened in South Korea and the FIFA (men’s) World…
Mid-November 2018 Check-In
Hi there. I’ve been busy with my first semester of law school and with work projects, so I haven’t had a lot of free time lately. I was…
Should I Kiss Your “Bubu”?
I have never been able to fathom the Japanese obsession with robots and all things mecha. I am sure that if you did a run-down of anime themes,…
August 2018 Check-in – Going back to school
I started my first law school classes last week, so I may have less time to write blog posts. Whatever posts I do write will likely be fairly…
“Blood” Brothers
Have you ever been to New York City, so great, they had to name it twice? I was there recently and it is everything they say it is…
“Comic” Relief
Rakugo is a performance art that I really don’t fully understand. The closest we would have would be a stand-up comic who tells a long and involved story,…
Warriors of the “Wasteland”
I have often said that if a show can’t decide on what the title should be, that is an indication of troubles. Although “Shōjotachi wa Kōya o Mezasu”…
Red “Letter” Day
I don’t think my life is that big of a mess, but I constantly check what I have seen and what I have reviewed and when I find…