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10 results
Life, and Other Things
When I’d started this little blog two years ago, I had aimed to write about the interesting things in the world of anime and manga regularly–which I think…
Now Playing
Trying to blog about anime again after a couple of months of not actually watching anything (aside from the occasional rewatch or two) is hard work. It’s tough…
First Impressions – redux
There were quite a few anime that stood out to me last year, which gave me much enjoyment and entertainment, plus impressive production values, but I’m too lazy…
Kyosogiga (Rie Matsumoto, Toei Animation) All right, before anything else, I’d like to wish anybody and everybody a happy New Year. It’s only about a week late,…
Runnin’ in the 90s
Rurouni Kenshin #60 Studio Pierrot may be stuck animating whatever popular manga is running in Shonen Jump for the foreseeable future, but it seems they are not…
The YokoyaM@ster
The IdolM@ster #18I was wondering whether or not Makoto Kobayashi was involved in the newest Last Exile anime out of Gonzo, because I didn’t catch his name in…
Birthday Girl
I’ve only just noticed this about two days ago, but now I see that I have actually already lasted a year into this anime-blogging business. Lots of other,…
Swing and a Miss
Last Exile -Fam, the Silver Wing- #1 Thanks to Animax Asia (here’s your clue to finding out where I am) seemingly being Gonzo’s number one fans, and…
First Impressions 3: noitaminA ver.
Even though I have kept up with it semi-religiously for only a little more than one year (I started back in 2009, when Trapeze aired), I think I…
First Impressions 2
So, here we are again: round 2 of my rundown of the first episodes of the newly aired TV anime this fall season. I haven’t watched all of…