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Featured image for Another Next Fest, part 1Background image for Another Next Fest, part 1

Another Next Fest, part 1

For once I bothered to actually play a few demos during the newest Next Fest. It’s nice to return to this post format sometimes, though the demo lineup…

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Featured image for A review of Aotenjo: Infinite HandsBackground image for A review of Aotenjo: Infinite Hands

A review of Aotenjo: Infinite Hands

I’ll take one day off from my state of constant doom for more games like Balatro. I picked that fucking game up again and increased my high score…

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Featured image for Thinking about The SopranosBackground image for Thinking about The Sopranos

Thinking about The Sopranos

I guess I need to keep pretending everything isn’t unraveling around us. Might be why I’ve been getting nostalgic lately, returning to movies like Robin Hood and music like…

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Featured image for A full run through the King Crimson discography: Part 19 (The Power to Believe, 2003)Background image for A full run through the King Crimson discography: Part 19 (The Power to Believe, 2003)

A full run through the King Crimson discography: Part 19 (The Power to Believe, 2003)

As the new year unfolds, I feel more and more like it’s a good idea to tie up loose ends. If you were waiting for this post for…

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Featured image for The only Disney movie I’ll ever write about (or, how my alternate-universe self became a furry)Background image for The only Disney movie I’ll ever write about (or, how my alternate-universe self became a furry)

The only Disney movie I’ll ever write about (or, how my alternate-universe self became a furry)

I know this place has ground to a halt practically. My morale right now is in the basement, so instead of taking a month between posts, I should…

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Featured image for I went to a VTuber concertBackground image for I went to a VTuber concert

I went to a VTuber concert

Shit, maybe I just need to make a separate VTuber category at this point. Sorry if you don’t care for it, but honestly, if I weren’t writing this…

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Featured image for A look at HoloCure 0.7Background image for A look at HoloCure 0.7

A look at HoloCure 0.7

Even with the world on fire, there was at least one thing I was looking forward to this month: the release of the 0.7 update to the free…

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Featured image for UntitledBackground image for Untitled


I don’t feel like coming up with a title for this post. First time in 11 years I haven’t. But then, is Untitled a title in this case?…

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Featured image for OVA review: Gunsmith CatsBackground image for OVA review: Gunsmith Cats

OVA review: Gunsmith Cats

Well shit. If you’re reading this after the fact, look at the date. I won’t write anything about that now. I’m sure it will be appropriate to get…

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Featured image for More distractionsBackground image for More distractions

More distractions

Hey, it’s another aimless post. Maybe it’s just another update to pass another fucking month. Things aren’t getting any better with my job, and every day at home…

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Featured image for The irregular updateBackground image for The irregular update

The irregular update

Politics alert on this post, including talk about the most recent and most controversial events. If that’s not what you’re here for, check out the next post. I…

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Featured image for A review of Cobalt CoreBackground image for A review of Cobalt Core

A review of Cobalt Core

When I first started with Balatro, I didn’t think it would lead me down the path of roguelikes to a game about furry space warriors caught in a time…

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Featured image for The happiest place on Earth (binds you with a contract of adhesion)Background image for The happiest place on Earth (binds you with a contract of adhesion)

The happiest place on Earth (binds you with a contract of adhesion)

Oh no, this wasn’t the post I was expecting to write next. But then the Walt Disney Company decided to openly expose their callousness for the world to…

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Featured image for Historical drama review: Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)Background image for Historical drama review: Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)

Historical drama review: Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)

I’m starting to work on the review of Yuru Camp S3. I should have something to say about it, even if I already wrote about the first two seasons,…

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Featured image for Demo mode: Hookah HazeBackground image for Demo mode: Hookah Haze

Demo mode: Hookah Haze

Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness posts lately. This site used to feature reviews of games and music and anime if you can believe that. Now it’s just a place…

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Featured image for 40 HzBackground image for 40 Hz

40 Hz

That’s the title of one of the stories I just finished. Couldn’t think of a better one. It involves sleep, anyway. Everything I’ve written in the last year…

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Featured image for Demo mode: Another Next FestBackground image for Demo mode: Another Next Fest

Demo mode: Another Next Fest

In my last post, I mentioned I’d only played one demo for Steam’s latest Next Fest. In the very short time since then, I played two more that…

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Featured image for Currently watching: Dead Dead Demons Dededede DestructionBackground image for Currently watching: Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction

Currently watching: Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction

It’s been a while since I’ve written about anime, or about anything at all for that matter. I’d stopped watching anything for a few months, but finally I…

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Featured image for Games for broke people: Top-down terror editionBackground image for Games for broke people: Top-down terror edition

Games for broke people: Top-down terror edition

It’s been a while since my last post. Between stress at work, my having to take on extra work to try to get ahead just a little, and…

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Featured image for Audiobook review: Julian by Gore VidalBackground image for Audiobook review: Julian by Gore Vidal

Audiobook review: Julian by Gore Vidal

What a cover. That’s the copy I bought in paperback in some used bookstore somewhere. It looks very 60s, but it also pretty accurately depicts the types of…

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Featured image for Sky diary #9: SolitudeBackground image for Sky diary #9: Solitude

Sky diary #9: Solitude

After a long break, I’m back in No Man’s Sky. Not that I didn’t do some “work”, or more accurately fucking around, in the game in the meantime. In…

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Featured image for Currently watching: Yuru Camp S3 (+ a few unrelated updates)Background image for Currently watching: Yuru Camp S3 (+ a few unrelated updates)

Currently watching: Yuru Camp S3 (+ a few unrelated updates)

Didn’t see this coming, did you. The fact is the first and second episodes of the newly airing Yuru Camp third season are the only anime I’ve watched in…

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Featured image for The right of preservationBackground image for The right of preservation

The right of preservation

There’s so much going on in the world now that Nintendo shutting down a pair of emulators doesn’t feel like such a big deal. It certainly was a…

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Featured image for Audiobook review: Lolita by Vladimir NabokovBackground image for Audiobook review: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Audiobook review: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

I’m about to get flooded with work, probably for a month at least, and between that and family obligations, the time I have to myself will be reduced…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for A review of BalatroBackground image for A review of Balatro

A review of Balatro

Another unnecessary post, considering how many people started playing this thing when it came out. This game has gotten big press and 250K+ sales since last week when…

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Featured image for OVA review: Yuru Camp Specials: Survival Camp, Tall-Tale CampBackground image for OVA review: Yuru Camp Specials: Survival Camp, Tall-Tale Camp

OVA review: Yuru Camp Specials: Survival Camp, Tall-Tale Camp

Isn’t that a mouthful of a title, and especially for another set of Yuru Camp spinoff episodes that total about 18 minutes this time. But they’re also both worth…

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Featured image for Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Richard IIIBackground image for Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Richard III

Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Richard III

Look up a list of the top five most controversial kings of England and you’ll probably find something among all the crap and detritus of the internet with…

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Featured image for First impressions of Persona 3 ReloadBackground image for First impressions of Persona 3 Reload

First impressions of Persona 3 Reload

Well here I am. My pointless life continues on and a game returns from 17 years in my past to visit me again in a new form. I…

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Featured image for Behind the curtainBackground image for Behind the curtain

Behind the curtain

Now here’s a hard post to write. The hardest I’ve had to write on this site, probably, even if there’s harder stuff on my other one I never…

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Featured image for More YouTube stuff to fill your hoursBackground image for More YouTube stuff to fill your hours

More YouTube stuff to fill your hours

All free to watch, as long as you’re okay with ads (or have Adblock. Reminder that I encourage everyone to use Adblock, because fuck advertising being shoved into…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for Currently watching: Pon no MichiBackground image for Currently watching: Pon no Michi

Currently watching: Pon no Michi

I don’t know much about rap, but I just found Run The Jewels’ Oh My Darling (Don’t Cry) last week and now I’ve had their first couple albums…

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Featured image for Sky diary #8: PoisonBackground image for Sky diary #8: Poison

Sky diary #8: Poison

Playing No Man’s Sky has fit into my negative mindset lately. Every time I look out from the hole I’m in right now, something happens that drives me…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Henry V & VIBackground image for Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Henry V & VI

Historical drama film review: The Hollow Crown: Henry V & VI

Last post I wrote about a fictional British monarch, so I’d better return to the real ones this post. Sort of real, at least — Shakespeare’s history plays…

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Featured image for OVA review: Azur Lane: Queen’s OrdersBackground image for OVA review: Azur Lane: Queen’s Orders

OVA review: Azur Lane: Queen’s Orders

I’m on an OVA kick right now so here’s one that most readers definitely will not be interested in: an anime adaptation of a spinoff of a manga…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for Sky diary #7: Parade of horrorsBackground image for Sky diary #7: Parade of horrors

Sky diary #7: Parade of horrors

It’s Saturday night and I’m writing this and listening to a lot of Soft Machine. Somehow I’d never heard this band, but they were right at the genesis…

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Featured image for OVA review: Heya Camp△: Sauna to Gohan to Sanrin BikeBackground image for OVA review: Heya Camp△: Sauna to Gohan to Sanrin Bike

OVA review: Heya Camp△: Sauna to Gohan to Sanrin Bike

There, I finally added the triangle. Copypasted it from MAL, anyway. And here’s something I probably shouldn’t get away with dedicating one entire post to: a ten-minute Yamaha…

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Featured image for New year notesBackground image for New year notes

New year notes

I’m still at the bottom of a dank dark hole right now. Mentally speaking, anyway. I have my physical health, as far as I know, and I should…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for Sky diary #6: Station to stationBackground image for Sky diary #6: Station to station

Sky diary #6: Station to station

Well wouldn’t you know it, but I lied to you again: the next post is more of this No Man’s Sky stuff. I’ll see how long I can…

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Featured image for Sky diary #5: HoneypotBackground image for Sky diary #5: Honeypot

Sky diary #5: Honeypot

Happy Christmas to everyone here. I’m not in much of a celebratory mood these days, but I hope you can find some comfort this season. There’s no comfort…

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Featured image for Sky diary #4: Stupid interview questionsBackground image for Sky diary #4: Stupid interview questions

Sky diary #4: Stupid interview questions

No Man’s Sky again, back in the central settlement of Drammen, Norway I founded last post. I managed to get enough wood to expand my somewhat pathetic house…

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Featured image for Sky diary #3: Welcome homeBackground image for Sky diary #3: Welcome home

Sky diary #3: Welcome home

It’s No Man’s Sky time again, oh yeah. I hope you wanted more of it. Finally I can make it to a new system that hopefully won’t suck so…

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Featured image for Historical drama film review: CromwellBackground image for Historical drama film review: Cromwell

Historical drama film review: Cromwell

I know I started that Hollow Crown watchthrough a while back that I’m only three films into, but I’ll try to justify covering this one in between, because it’s…

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Featured image for Sky diary #2: Unwelcome visitorBackground image for Sky diary #2: Unwelcome visitor

Sky diary #2: Unwelcome visitor

Back in No Man’s Sky, and back to my waste of a planet. Though since last time, I have found enough resources to build this computer somehow that allowed…

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Featured image for A review of PlanetarianBackground image for A review of Planetarian

A review of Planetarian

Last month was pretty slow here, I know. December will probably be slow too as my work continues to ramp up. But naturally, I’m not going to not…

Everything is bad for you

Featured image for Sky diary #1: Making a mistakeBackground image for Sky diary #1: Making a mistake

Sky diary #1: Making a mistake

I may have made a mistake, yeah: I bought No Man’s Sky during a Black Friday sale. I’ve been looking for a space flight/exploration sim that’s not too…

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Featured image for A list of podcasts I likeBackground image for A list of podcasts I like

A list of podcasts I like

Yet another low-effort post today, since the end of the year at work is turning out to be extremely hectic, and I don’t expect that to change until…

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Featured image for A review of Slow LoopBackground image for A review of Slow Loop

A review of Slow Loop

Newly minted high school student Hiyori Yamakawa, soon to be Hiyori Minagi, is going through a lot of changes: new school, new stepfather with her mother’s second marriage,…

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Featured image for More YouTube channels and videos for your eyes and earsBackground image for More YouTube channels and videos for your eyes and ears

More YouTube channels and videos for your eyes and ears

The next post was going to be a review of cute girl fishing anime Slow Loop, but it turned out there was more to say about it than I…

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Featured image for A few more things I bought, part whateverBackground image for A few more things I bought, part whatever

A few more things I bought, part whatever

I’m trying to cope with the news these days by writing no-effort posts like this one. As an American born and raised with partly Palestinian family roots and…

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Featured image for Nine more songs to hear (anime and otherwise)Background image for Nine more songs to hear (anime and otherwise)

Nine more songs to hear (anime and otherwise)

Look, I have to admit something. I am a weeb. Yes. I’m sure you didn’t know, so this may come as a shock. I say that to partly…

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