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Koufuku Graffiti episode 1
Slice of life isn’t easy to write. Since they can’t rely on a strong, overarching plot, they need a strong hook at the beginning. The audience has to…
12 Days of Stuff #6: This Crazy Language I’m Learning
I’m supposed to study Japanese right now. There are kanji characters I have to write to practice my handwriting, grammar patterns to digest, and particles to decipher. (Those…
12 Days of Stuff #5: 2014, the Year of Interesting Adaptations
Most anime is made as an adaptation of something. Usually this means that the anime is made as an advertisement, because TV anime is free and manga/books/games aren’t.…
12 Days of Stuff #4: Barakamon
Barakamon is one of those stories where an artist struggling with a block moves to the countryside to rediscover what he is lacking. Unlike the majority of those…
12 Days of Stuff #3: On the labels we call ourselves
This year I read an essay that advised to keep your identity small, because the labels that we attach ourselves to can keep us from thinking objectively about…
12 Days of Stuff #2: Hanayamata and Locodol, where cute girls do awesome things
Last summer, I watched these shows. These are those shows that get categorized as moe shows, which just means that a snooty community of anime fans won’t watch…
12 Days of Stuff #1: No Game, No Life is terrible and I’m terrible for watching it
Merry Christmas! For this year, I’ll be writing about… all that stuff that’s accumulated in my head but couldn’t be written in a timely manner because of reasons.…
I watched the Aikatsu movie
[This post contains spoilers for the movie] The last week (until Tuesday) I was in Japan. While navigating the complicated rail system of Tokyo, I kept seeing Aikatsu…
6 Years?
So this blog’s 6th year anniversary passed by, and I was simultaneously marveled and horrified by it. I haven’t been posting for a while because of various reasons,…
Two Endings
Aldnoah Zero and Captain Earth just wrapped up. But I don’t worry about that, because Argevollen’s not going anywhere, which is more of a good thing than not.…