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37 results

I’m Still Thinking About 2024 Anime (Recap & My Top 10)
Never too late to talk about peak. Bluesky: Twitter: These videos are unfortunately not monetizable, so If you like them, please consider supporting here: (Thank you!) Timestamps: 00:00 2024 Recap 06:33 Number…
The Apothecary Diaries, LOOK BACK, One Piece, A Sign of Affection, Delicious in Dungeon

Unboxing 30+ Hibike! Euphonium Goods for the Holidays 🎺✨
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, my fellow Eupho nerds Twitter: Bluesky: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:36 August Haul 12:02 August Haul Part 2 16:13 October Haul 20:09 November Haul 23:50 Early December Haul 40:36 Haul-iday Haul KyoAni…

Navigating the ‘Chaotic’ Anime Industry: An Interview with Buta Productions!
Today I had the wonderful opportunity to interview FAR from Buta Productions, and get their perspective on working in the chaos of the modern anime industry, why they’re…

My Anime & Manga Collection - A Feature-Length Tour (2024 Update) | Andre's Shelf
It’s time I put my money where my mouth (channel name) is. Here’s an update on what the actual “Andre’s Shelf” looks like now! Follow me on Twitter (X):…
Kill la Kill, My Hero Academia, Nisekoi, Chainsaw Man, Chihayafuru

Why Sound! Euphonium Resonates With Me
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

I bought Sound Euphonium 3 merch!🎺✨
Another video just for the real ones. In all seriousness, Sound Euphonium 3 has been one of the biggest highlights of my week for the last 3 months…

The "I want to improve!" scene IRL
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

Check out this Secret Sound! Euphonium fan spot!
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

Kumiko & Reina's walk home IRL
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

The Kyoto Tower x Sound! Euphonium collab
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

Kumiko, Sapphire, & Hazuki's train station IRL
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

This, is Kumiko's bench.
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

They knew I was a Sound! Euphonium fan 😅
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

Anime vs Real Life: Sound! Euphonium
Clipped from my Hibike Euphonium pilgrimage: #hibikeeuphonium #kyoto #kyotoanimation #soundeuphonium #ユーフォ3期 #kyoani Sound Euphonium

My Top 30 Ado Songs | Medley #AdoWish
In anticipation of Ado's first world tour, WISH, coming to the U.S. and Europe in March, I spent some time listening to (almost) every song she's ever recorded…

Unboxing the Latest Hibike Euphonium Merch!🎺
In anticipation of Hibike Euphonium 3 and the Ensemble Contest OVA, I ordered a bunch of merch from Kyoto Animation’s online shop. Today Iet’s unbox them! Follow me: Sound!…

Top 10 Movies of 2023 | Andre's Shelf
Good movie year :D Timestamps: 00:00 Intro / Movies I haven't seen yet 00:41 Honorable Mentions 00:53 10 01:09 9 01:29 8 01:49 7 02:08 6 02:31 5 02:43 4 03:13 3 03:32 2 03:50 1 04:30 Outro Follow me on Letterboxd: and…

I visited the real life setting of my favorite anime, Sound Euphonium.
Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Part travel vlog, part video essay, part documentary, this is a love letter to a TV show, a city, and an animation studio…
Sound! Euphonium, Liz and the Blue Bird, Maps, Treasure Island

Everything I Bought in Japan (2023) - Bocchi the Rock, Chainsaw Man, Anime Pop Up Shops
I went to Japan earlier this year! Here’s all the anime merch, manga, and other stuff I brought home! (Filmed May 2023) Follow me on Twitter: and Threads: TIMESTAMPS: 00:00…

What Japanese Do Tourists REALLY Need in Japan?
I went to Japan earlier this year, and this is all the Japanese I used/heard. Hopefully this helps you prepare for your trip! PDF Cheat Sheet: TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 01:34 Top…

Top 10 Movies of 2022 + OSCARS PREDICTIONS
Took a break from anime and watched some movies instead. Let's talk about them :D Follow me on Letterboxd: Follow me on Twitter: Blank Oscar Ballot: 00:00 Intro 00:50 Number…

Top 10 Anime of 2022 | Andre's Shelf
If I didn't talk about your favorite anime, it's because I wanted to leave it up to you to write about it in the comments :) 0:00 Intro 0:27 10 1:53…

Japanese Wordplay in Komi Can’t Communicate, Explained.
Over the last year, I’ve become a huge fan of the anime/manga Komi Can’t Communicate. And one of my favorite things about this wholesome comedy anime about people…

Chainsaw Man Episode 1 Storyboards (Fanmade)
In anticipation of the Chainsaw Man anime adaptation releasing later this year, I thought it’d be fun to storyboard the very first scene in the series and turn…

The Cinematic Storyboarding of One Piece Episode 1015
Like most One Piece fans, I was pretty blown away by episode 1015. Let’s discuss some of the cool filmmaking/storyboarding techniques that director Megumi Ishitani used! TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 1:22 Entrances…

2022 Shelf Tour - Manga, Anime, Movies, Artbooks
Surprise video! Even though I'm on spring break I'm still busy with final semester stuff, but I found a free moment to record this updated manga/anime shelf tour.…

The AMERICAN Shonen Jump | 20th Anniversary Retrospective
Shonen Jump Magazine — if you were a North American manga fan in the 2000s, you probably owned at least a few issues. And since this year is…

CITY POP Mix for Your Morning Drive (シティポップ)
Hey everyone! Andre here. Look! Another video that doesn't really go with the rest of the content on this channel! Last summer I discovered and fell in love…

2020 Shelf Tour | 300 Manga Volumes
Thank you all sincerely for watching, liking, commenting, or sharing my videos; and of course subscribing. Also, apologies for any wonky-ness in the audio! Clearly I'm not a…
Sound! Euphonium, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Chihayafuru, Naruto

Read Manga in Japanese Update (Why I'm Done with Flashcards)
Blog Post: An update on the series. Hopefully my handwriting is legible. Leave any questions or comments down below, or under the blog itself! Also, timestamps are probably…

5 More Tips for Reading Manga in Japanese (Part 8)
I'm happy to answer any clarifying questions in the comments! ⇩ Timestamps, Helpful Links, and Notes: 🚩Goal Reminder: To Learn to Read Manga in Japanese Fluently 0:00 Intro 0:45 Two Focus Areas: …