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150 results, page 1 of 3

r#140 – violet evergarden
The aspect of videography in anime underwent a few major gains in 2019: great action scenes, unique character designs, gorgeous background settings, and every other beautiful thing that…

f#6 – top 5 magical girl themed anime
Hi, everyone. I’m sorry it took me so many months to say “hi” again after the last time. In case you’re wondering, I was pretty occupied with life…

r#139 – corpse princess: aka
Hello! I is Fred, the crazy old fart who can’t keep his clothes on in his own blog. I’m going to do an experimental guest blog for #moe404.…

r#138 – tamako market
Like many anime fans, I am no stranger to Kyoto Animation’s lovable works throughout the years. From the fun everyday shenanigans showed in anime like K-On and Kobayashi-san…

r#137 – the garden of words.
I’ve been mentioning this movie a few times now on #moe404, together with the 5 Centimeters Per Second and any other movies from Makoto Shinkai, and that is…

dd#10 – moe news, #nae404, and more
Hellow, people, readers, fellow bloggers … nesha here, how are you today? I hope you’re doing wonderful, because I’m feeling wonderful. Okay so, there’s been something on my…

r#136 – roujin z
Today’s anime recommendation is Roujin Z, it’s another old movie but with a bizarre premise that you’d never find in any other anime movies. Are you ready to…

r#135 – kiki’s delivery service
Just from reading the title alone, you probably have heard a lot of great things about this movie. And that is, only if you happen to have not…

oe#5 – black★rock shooter: a naked look at me (storytelling)
Hello everyone, nesha here and welcome back to #moe404. In this opportunity, I’ll reintroduce you to the first episode of Otaku Essays in a little while, but I’m…

r#134 – okko’s inn
Hello, everyone, nesha here again, and welcome back to #moe404! This time we will be reviewing a movie produced by GKIDS, and this is one of their originals…

r#133 – a place further than the universe
Hi there. It’s definitely been a while, maybe even too long, since I last posted an article on this website! If you happen to be new here, my…

dd#9 – love how the moon lays upon me last night
Hello everyone, nesha here and welcome back to Dear Diary, where I talk about anything not having to do with anime. And the topic for today would be…

r#132 – only yesterday
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another post where you’ll find my nitpicking of many anime that I don’t think it’s perfect. Well, no anime is perfect anyway. But…

r#131 – nausicaä of the valley of the wind
You know … yesterday when I finally had the courage to write again, I have a bit of trouble to present the post as I used to present…

dd#8 – just another wordpress post
Hello, everyone, my name is nesha. In case you’re new here, then welcome to #moe404! It’s been too long, feels like forever! To be honest, I don’t even…

nc#5 – coming of age anime you need to watch right now (second half)
Hi everyone, hello hello, and welcome back to #moe404! So last week, I wrote a post titled coming of age anime you need to watch right now and…

nc#4 – coming of age anime you need to watch right now (first half)
Believe it or not, in my mind at least, there has to be no better time to watch a coming of age anime than when it’s the Christmas…

r#130 – tekkonkinkreet
Today movie recommendation is a Winter-ish movie which had released more than a decade ago, won the Best Film at the 2006 Mainichi Film Concours, and a year…

nc#3 – top 10 anime of 2018
Hello there and happy holidays! We’re well into December now and I hope everyone is spending their last few weeks of 2018 in a fun way. As for…

r#129 – steins;gate the movie: load region of déjà vu
What’s going on, internet people?! nesha is back again with another anime review, and yesterday night I just watched the movie of the Steins;Gate series, the one and…

r#128 – my hero academia: training of the dead
Aight, guys … welcome welcome! nesha here to tell you yet another special episode from HeroAca! Well, I know that maybe … just maybe by now you’re waiting…

r#127 – from up on poppy hill
Hi, and what is up everybody? Welcome back to #moe404! Tonight’s movie recommendation is this one; Hepburn: Kokuriko-zaka Kara, a 2011 drama movie from Ghibli studio that was…

r#126 – my hero academia: rescue! rescue training!
Previously in HeroAca: the first season, the Hero course class 1-A was involved in a rescue practice and became involved in a massive incident. As just the training…

r#125 – tonari no seki-kun: the master of killing time
Hello there, Al here. Today’s review is for a shorter-than-usual length anime, just something to post while I’m busy with school and also while I work on other…

nc#2 – top 10 tragic romances in anime
So here’s the thing; I think it’s quite easy for anime studios to create a good romance, and in fact, there is a lot of good romance anime…

r#124 – bunny drop
Hi there! It’s been a while but finally, here’s another review of mine! I don’t want to make this intro any longer so let’s just jump right in!…

r#123 – my hero academia 2nd season
Previously on #meo404, the first season of HeroAca has been a blast. Everyone must have seen it coming, and what’s good and what’s bad from it —if it’s…

nc#1 – the attitude of searching for love in anime
You think, why do we watch romance anime? Maybe the answer is pretty clear; it’s so enjoyable. But then again… why? Well for me, one of the most…

r#122 – kabukimonogatari: the dandy tale
Yes, the time finally has come for me to continue talking about the Monogatari franchise, and more precisely, this is the continuation of the long overdue Monogatari Series:…

r#121 – yuru camp△
Hi there! In honor of the recent announcement that the Yuru Camp series getting a second season, short anime, and even a feature film, I would love to…

r#120 – my hero academia 13.5
Hei everyone, I’m so sorry that I might have left this blog in the dark for the past week. What really happened is that I moved my room,…

r#119 – ghost in the shell 2: innocence
This week in #moe404, we’ll be continuing our adventure on watching the Ghost in the Shell franchise. It’s a 2004 anime film that serves as a sequel to…

r#118 – my hero academia
Yash, finally I decided to just write about this show, Boku no Hero Academia. That being said, I’m truly sorry to you who are waiting for my next…

r#117 – the world god only knows
I think I have somewhat of a mixed opinion on harem anime, coming from a person who loves the romance genre. Derived from Japanese dating simulator games/visual novels,…

oe#4 – anime: what’s the endgame?
One of the most common concerns about anime is that the fandom is not prepared to be consumed by a hardcore and long-term entertainment consumer —these are the…

r#116 – tokyo ghoul:re
Like many other fans of Tokyo Ghoul, it all started in 2014, which is the time when I wasn’t a fan of the franchise yet, not until it’s…

r#115 – pokémon: the first movie
While I was never one to play much of the ever-so-popular Pokémon video game series *the most I’ve played was Pokémon White and Pokémon Y, yet I never…

r#114 – steins;gate: egoistic poriomania
Haro internet people, and guess what?! We’re back to talk about Steins;Gate once again, but not the current on-going one, which we’re still far from discussing that. This…

r#113 – darling in the franxx
Hai, everyone! Welcome back to #moe404! And hei look, we’re going to be reviewing one of the recently finished anime, one that is particular quite popular especially among the new…

r#112 – non non biyori
As many of you know, the slice of life genre in anime is my absolute favorite of them all. There are so many interesting shows and stories that…

oe#3 – loveplus monogatari (part 2): a walkthrough
Hei, everyone! So one day way-way back a few months ago, I posted an essay that according to myself is a pretty good read —I mean, I really…

r#111 – sword art offline
I thought with the finished Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online on an early last month and the release date of Sword Art Online: Alicization had officially…
#moe404, the not so great anime BLOG
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, Sword Art Online: Alicization, Sword Art Online

r#110 – akira
Oh well, look at that … spider webs is already spreading across this blog. Humph, I’m so sorry for not keeping #moe404 active in June; which I won’t…

r#109 – it’s difficult to love an otaku
Hello there, it’s definitely been a while since I talked to you, lovely people on this site. Finals/exam week happened, then I was just not in the mood…

r#108 – nekomonogatari (white): tsubasa tiger
So early this week I ran a pool to ask you guys whether you want me to do the review of Monogatari Series: Second Season as a whole…

r#107 – mobile suit gundam: iron-blooded orphans
Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans (Japanese: Kidou Senshi Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans) is the fourteenth series instalment of the famous Gundam franchise by Sunrise. It’s a tale about family, vengea…

r#106 – paprika
What is up, internet people?! Now you may have to excuse my absence on last week as I didn’t post any anime review because things in real-life didn’t…

r#105 – kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon
Recently as I’ve been a frequent seasonal anime viewer, I tend to see shows that have weird premises or a preview picture that can look questionable. I would…

oe#2 – loveplus monogatari: a love story
In late 2009, a young Andrian Vidano is having the toughest period, he was still in his junior high school and being an introvert has forced him to…

r#104 – ghost in the shell: stand alone complex 2nd gig
Nesha here, and welcome to #meo404, everybody! This post is going to be this week anime perspective of mine, and we’re going to be talking about the second…