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22 results

OG’s 20-Gay-Three Anime Highlights
As usual a mix of laziness and highlights were what delayed this post. Anyway here is Part 2 of my celebration of 2023, aka 20-Gay-Three. One of the…
alice gear aegis Expansion, Ayakashi, Ayakashi Triangle, D4DJ All Mix, Ippon! again

A Seasonal Review — Spring 2023
Didn’t Watch: Alice Gear Aegis Expansion, The Ancient Magus Bride S2, Ao no Orchestra, Duel Masters WIN, Edens Zero, Idolmaster Cinderella Girls U149, Demon Slayer, The Marginal Service,…
My Home Hero, Pretty Cure, Ranking of Kings, alice gear aegis Expansion, Ao no Orchestra

Spring 2023 Anime Awards
Time to take a look back over the spring season of anime, and celebrate all my favourite things from it. The shows I watched were: – Alice Gear…
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Season 2, One Piece, Yuri Is My Job!

Yuri Quickie: Alice Gear Aegis Expansion
Always nice to find a surprise yuri comedy that has all but one thing going against it I feel.

Spring 2023 Anime: Thoughts So Far
You probably know the drill by now: it’s (just after) the middle of the season of anime, so I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the shows I decided…
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, One Piece, Soaring Sky! Precure, alice gear aegis Expansion, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Season 2

Kaiseki Anime Ep. 122 — Spring 2023 Seasonal Impressions
Listen to our thoughts on the newest season! Lots of good anime. What did you all think?
Kizuna no Allele, The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses, THE MARGINAL SERVICE, alice gear aegis Expansion, Ao no Orchestra

Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 122 – Spring 2023 Season First Impressions
00:00 Intro 02:00 Alice Gear Aegis Expansion 02:44 Ao no Orchestra 04:23 The Aristocrat’s Otherworldly Adventure 05:00 The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses 06:23 Dead Mount Death Play…
Spring 2023 Schedule
Sunday Tousouchuu: Great Mission 09:00 Fuji TV (04/02) Ao no Orchestra 17:00 NHK-E (04/09) Mobile Suit Gundam: Suisei no Majo Season 2 17:00 MBS・TBS (04/09) Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru. 22:00 Abema (04/02) World Dai…
My Clueless First Friend, Dr. STONE, In Another World With My Smartphone 2, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Pokémon

I Watched EVERY SINGLE NEW ANIME This Spring Season... | First Reaction
Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code GLASSREFLECTION for 83% off and 3 extra months for free! ► Find where to stream all the anime here from…
Ao no Orchestra, The Dangers in My Heart, COLORs, My Home Hero, alice gear aegis Expansion

2023 Spring Premiere Digest
This is a season of meteoric highs and nightmare lows.
alice gear aegis Expansion, Kizuna, Kizuna no Allele, My One-Hit Kill Sister, Otaku Elf

Alice Gear Aegis Expansion Episode 2: Odd-Job Actresses
Looks like this show will be akin to something like The Lies We All Tell. Hopefully it doesn’t slip up near the end like that one did.

Spring 2023 Anime: First Impressions
The second anime season of 2023 has now started, so its about time for me to share the first impressions of each show I’ve chosen to watch this…
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Punch!, Otaku Elf, Kizuna no Allele, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, Mobile Suit Gundam

New shows Spring 2023 #2
Alice Gear starts with a light show in space. On to round two. Alice Gear Aegis Expansion starts with a lots of outer space and a good, but…
Kizuna no Allele, Skip and Loafer, alice gear aegis Expansion, KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World, Kizuna

Spring 2023 Impressions: My Home Hero, Yamada-Kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru, Alice Gear Aegis Expansion
My Home Hero Short Synopsis: A father kills his daughter’s abusive boyfriend and now tries to get rid of the body. Lenlo: The most lacking thing about My…

Alice Gear Aegis Episode 0+1: My Heroine
This was on my schedule as a curiosity as I didn’t know what to expect from it. Let’s just say I hope it keeps up the pace it…

Alice Gear Aegis Expansion – Episodes 0 – 1
Alice Gear is very silly, and because its tone and lore are so at odds it’s silly in a way that’s baffling rather than fun.

Spring 2023 Anime Premiere Reviews – Day 3
Over on Anime News Network, as part of "The Spring 2023 Preview Guide," I've reviewed the first episodes of alice gear aegis Expansion, Kizuna no Allele, and Kuma…
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, alice gear aegis Expansion, Kizuna, Kizuna no Allele

Seasonal First Impressions: Gay Girl Gaffes in ALICE GEAR AEGIS EXPANSION
Alice Gear Aegis Expansion is brave enough to ask the question that’s been on all of our minds since 2011; what if a total lesbian girlfailure tried to…

NEWS: HIDIVE’s Spring 2023 Anime Season Calendar
The Spring 2023 anime season is off to a big start with titles like The Dangers in My Heart and Otaku Elf streaming on HIDIVE.

Spring 2023 Anime: What I Will Be Watching
A new season approaches, so its time for the usual drill. Here’s a list of shows that I’ll be watching for said season, streaming services permitting. Information, as…
Mobile Suit Gundam, TOO CUTE CRISIS, Yuri Is My Job!, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Punch!, Kizuna

Vote on the Next Let’s Watch for the Spring 2023 Season
18 Anime enter, one (or maybe two) anime leave. Cast your vote for the Let’s Watch anime for the Spring 2023 season, and read my mini-breakdowns of why…
A Galaxy Next Door, alice gear aegis Expansion, Insomniacs After School, Hell’s Paradise, Otaku Elf

Doki Doki News: MAN WITH A MISSION Tours Europe and North America!
Welcome to Doki Doki News, your source for updates in the world of anime, gaming, and otakudom, for the week of March 12th! Check out the latest episode…
alice gear aegis Expansion, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Tokyo Mew Mew