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3 results

Featured image for MusashinoBackground image for Musashino


Oh wow. They finally got it out?! The sequel that no one asked for nor cared about in the first place?! That’s right. Believe it or not, the…

Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Urawa no Usagi-chan Review (Spoiler-Free)

The review this time around is Urawa no Usagi-chan, by studio A-Real. A series of short 3-minute episodes, this anime was created to try and advertise the city…

Umai Yomu Anime Blog

OtakuGeneration (Show #514) Spring Impressions

  Shownotes :: (show 514) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Spring Impressions, recorded live April 12th, 2015. This week continued the…

otakugeneration's Podcast