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Reading Rent-A-Girlfriend for Charity: THE FINALE!!!
On January 29th I started a donation drive to raise $1,200 for Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza with the promise that if we hit that goal I would…

Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 1 (Collector’s Edition Blu-ray) Unboxing
The first season of Rent-A-Girlfriend manages to make its way into the UK on home video via Anime Limited with a collector’s edition of their own compared to…
By Andrew Osmond. Rent-a-Girlfriend is a risqué romcom about a young man going online and… It’s as the title says. College student Kazuya is smarting after he’s dumped.…

Reading Rent-A-Girlfriend for Charity... AGAIN!!!
On January 29th I started a donation drive to raise $1,200 for Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza with the promise that if we hit that goal I would…

A rent-able girl with an empty heart
A blackened heart emerges from the core of Kanojo, Okarishimasu. The story thus reveals itself as less of a harmless dumb romcom and more so a social critique…

A rent-able girl with an empty heart
A blackened heart emerges from the core of Kanojo, Okarishimasu. The story thus reveals itself as less of a harmless dumb romcom and more so a social critique…

Reading Rent A Girlfriend for Charity
On January 29th I started a donation drive to raise $1,200 for Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza with the promise that if we hit that goal I would…
As if that last review wasn't enough to make you question if The Straights Are Alright, here comes Rent-A-Girlfriend creator Reiji Miyajima...
As if that last review wasn't enough to make you question if The Straights Are Alright, here comes Rent-A-Girlfriend creator Reiji Miyajima...

12 Days of Anime 2023 – Day 01: Yaemori Mini
The first character I have chosen as one of the best anime girls of 2023 is Yaemori Mini from Kanokari.
Raiyantsuuri no Uta
Orphan is pleased to bring you the first English version of the 1994 movie Raiyantsuuri no Uta ( The Song of Raiyantsuuri ), a title so rar...
Juliet, Raiyantsuuri no Uta, Wolf's Rain, Girl from Phantasia, Arc the Lad

Kaiseki Anime Podcast Episode 133 – Summer 2023 Season Review, Part 2
00:00 Intro 01:11 Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 02:44 The Dreaming Boy is a Realist 04:48 The Devil is a Part-Timer! S2 Part 2 07:49 Level 1 Demon Lord and…
Rent-a-Girlfriend, TenPuru, The Dreaming Boy is a Realist, JUJUTSU KAISEN, Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero

Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 Anime Series Review
It's still imperfect, but this season delivers the best material Rent-a-Girlfriend has offered in ages.

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #36
Well everyone, the final episode of Kanojo, Okarishimasu Season 3 has arrived where Chizuru Mizuhara put up a smile despite remembering her precious time with Grandma Sayuri and…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 36 (S3 Fin) – Close, But No Sparkler
Well…Kazuya doesn’t light Chizuru’s sparkler. In fact, even when he knows she’s crying, she laughs it off as smoke in her eyes, and the fireworks continue with her…
Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 36 [END] - Chizuru Cries into Kazuya
Chizuru finally openly mourned her grandmother in front of Kazuya. Naturally, the coward did not hug her back. Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 36 [END]

This Anime is About a ZOMBIE GIRLFRIEND...
Sankarea is a classic zombie romance anime and manga following the story of Chihiro Furuya, his cat Babu and a girl, Rea Sanka being thrown into a crazy…
Sankarea, Sankarea OVA, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Dark Gathering, Horimiya
Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 35 - Chizuru Sparkles on Cushion
Chizuru reassured Kazuya that he needn't stress over buying her an outfit for their date. Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 35

This Anime is DELAYED FOREVER...
Zom 100 episode 10 delayed along with rest of the episodes due to productions chedule and broadcasting issues most likely. It's on crunchyroll and netflix. Just when we…
Sankarea, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Dark Gathering, Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN

The FUNNIEST Spy x Family Anime Moment...
Spy x Family Season 2 is going to be awesome. With Agent Anya Forger and Yor and Loid Forger going on a date after getting shot and Yor…
Dark Gathering, Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN, My Happy Marriage, SPY x FAMILY

This NEW Anime is About a RUSSIAN Girl
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian or Roshidere is a romance anime adaptation by Studio Doga Kobo based on a manga and light nvoel about the half…

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #35
Oh look, it’s Chizuru Mizuhara as she’s finally here as a rental girlfriend for Kazuya Kinoshita for the entire day. Oh yeah, and he saved lots of money…

Burn the Witch is receiving an anime adaptation based on the one-shot manga by Kubo Tite. Taking place in the same universe as Bleach, in the western part…
My Happy Marriage, Witch Craft Works, Bleach, BURN THE WITCH, Dark Gathering

The GREATEST Anime EVER (Kagura Bachi)
Kagurabachi is a masterpiece and best new gen anime amongst Boruto. Had to wear my Rem Shirt from Re:ZERO. I like emilia better now tho #anime #manga #kagurabachi Socials: Instagram:…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 35 – Renting Is Insufficient
Kazuya’s mission is to take Chizuru on such an amazing date it totally cheers her up and makes her forget her grief, at least a little bit. Kazuya…

Hiroyuki Sawano is a legend in anime community for his amazing orchestral soundtracks in series like Attack on Titan, Seven Deadly Sins, Blue Exorcist, Guilty Crown, 86 eighty-six,…
Attack on Titan, Dark Gathering, Kill la Kill, My Happy Marriage, Blue Exorcist

INSANE Jujutsu Kaisen LEAKS...😮
Jujutsu Kaisen 236 leaks were insane from the manga. The anime is also in a really amazing spot too. Gege Akutami is really Gojo Satoru's greatest opp along…

This Manga is TRAGIC 😭
Noragami season 3 when. The manga coming to an end. Noragami chapter 107.2 was depressing with what happened with Yato and Hiyori. Most likely on crunchyroll and by…

This Anime is FINALLY ENDING...😭
Attack on Titan anime is finally ending with the longest title Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 3 (Part 2) pretty sure crunchyroll just gave up and…
My Happy Marriage, Attack on Titan Final Season, Attack on Titan, Dark Gathering, Horimiya

This Anime Character is FINALLY HERE...😍
Beatrix in Zom 100 episode 8 with finally. Her japanese voice actor or seiyuu was amazing. I mean the whole seiyuu cast like Kusunoki Tomori. It's on crunchyroll…
Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN, My Happy Marriage, Sankarea, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

This NEW Anime Will GO NUTS 😮
Undead Unluck anime will be insane. Following the story of Fuuko Izumo who brings misfortune to anyone that touches her and Andy who is immortal trying to die.…
Dark Gathering, Horimiya, Izumo, JUJUTSU KAISEN, Undead Unluck

Nagi no Asukara is an emotional and underrated anime following the adventure of Hikari, Manaka Mukaido, Chisaki, Tsumugu, Miuna, Kaname and Sayu in a world witha race of…
Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea, Your Lie in April, Dark Gathering, Glasslip, Golden Time

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #34
Oh look, it’s Sumi Sakurasawa as she’s back again on this episode. I thought Mami Nanami will return with a vengeance, but Sumi-chan is fine too!

Gamers is a hilarious romance anime. Following the misunderstandings between Karen Tendou, Chiaki, Aguri, Keita Amano and Tasuku. It has amazing japanese voice actors or seiyuu like Manaka…
Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN, Nisekoi, Dark Gathering, Fruits Basket

CREEPY Streamer in JAPAN...
Japanese tourist streamers this time from Australia are getting out of hand with this one going into a woman's only carriage or train in japan railway like Johnny…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 34 – Sea Breeze
sarassara The show knows its audience would riot if we didn’t get at least another scene or two of Sumi before closing out the season, and lookie here,…

Anime Fans HARASSING Bleach Animators...
Bleach animators are being harrassed and being sent threats by anime fans for the smallest things. Thankfully a lot of people are showing support for the animators and…
Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 34 - Sumi Pantsu and Naughty Breeze
Sumi took Kazuya on a trip to the beach and climbed many stairs. A naughty breeze made the panoramic views sexier. Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 34

This Anime is BACK After 7 YEARS...
Blue Exorcist season 3 is coming after 7 years. An anime following Rin Okumura and amazing soundtracks from Hiroyuki Sawano known for his music in Attack on Titan,…
Blue Exorcist -Shimane Illuminati Saga-, Attack on Titan, Dark Gathering, Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN

This MAGICAL GIRL Anime is BACK...
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is an anime classic about magical girls that is coming back after 10 years from Studio Shaft with a movie. Don't think this is…
Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie -Walpurgisnacht: Rising-, Dark Gathering, Horimiya, JUJUTSU KAISEN

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #33
Chizuru Ichinose, the woman who took a job as a rental girlfriend (under the name of Chizuru Mizuhara) in order to become an actress, is in distraught as…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 33 – 99 Lies
I’ll admit it, like I always do: this episode got me. I was lucky enough to know all four of my grandparents when they were strong and full of…

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #32
Let’s begin with Mini Yaemori where she was supposed to celebrate Kazuya Kinoshita popping his cherry to Chizuru Mizuhara during their stay at Madarao Resort Hotel. However, Yaemori…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 32 – The Sad Reality
After a week off, RAG chooses to start up with the strangest scene: Mini buying snacks at the store with an extremely focused face you could even call troubled.…
Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 32 - Mini Celebrates V-Card
Mini engineered Kazuya's trip to an onsen alone with Chizuru. He must have slept with her, right? Right? Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 32
Episode 816: Jobless Rent-a-Pastor
High-low! It's Andrew (just me) with a (mostly) solo episode of Anime Pulse. This week we got best original animes, a potential light at the end of the…

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode #31
Oh boy, I have to say that Ruka Sarashina in a bikini will make every man have a heart attack due to her cute and sultry look!
Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 31 - Ruka Afterglow
Ruka needed a moment to calm down after she asked her nominal boyfriend to rub sunscreen on her bare skin. Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 31

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 31 – The Ruka Line
It’s August 26th, Ruka’s birthday. And for her birthday she wants to go on a date with Kazuya, so on a date they go. Her goal is to…