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Featured image for Review #38 – MoldiverBackground image for Review #38 – Moldiver

Review #38 – Moldiver

Title: MoldiverFormat: DVDRelease Date: February 1993Age Rating: 15+ (partial nudity, violence)Themes: power suits, super heroes, scifi, action, comedyLanguage Watched: English dubbed (extras Japan…

Tenjoubito's Blog

Featured image for MoldiverBackground image for Moldiver


One thing leads to another. You could say that the recent spate of weird retro OVAs has led me to watch stranger and stranger ones. From I Dream…

Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Featured image for Anime OVAs You Missed: Hyper DollBackground image for Anime OVAs You Missed: Hyper Doll

Anime OVAs You Missed: Hyper Doll They willingly risk their lives for justice. Reincarnated within immortal bodies Crushing evil demons of the underworld If the dolls don’t do it.. Who will? Shit, it’s not my job. What’s up guys,…


Artefacts of Geek Days Past: Anime Babes

Portrait of Lisa Munns with Anime Babes mascot Jojo the Shojo. Art by Lisa Tse, photo courtesy of Laura Watton Despite what the act...

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