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Featured image for Anime Like Dark GatheringBackground image for Anime Like Dark Gathering

Anime Like Dark Gathering

Keitarou Gentouga is a college student who hates ghosts. Unfortunately, spirits have always been unnaturally attracted to him, so much so that he was

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Tezuka Osamu's Tales from the Old Testament Ep22-24

The eighth volume of Tezuka Osamu's Tales of the Old Testament covers the glory days of the Kingdom of Israel, its decline (mostly skipped)...

Collectr's Blog

Official Mokke Failsubbing tracker

For those wondering about the translation progress on the second Mokke special for Jumonji-Giri: It's roughly 96% done, with 258/269 lines translated and approximately making sense, I think.…

ReDone Subs

Featured image for Wind ~ A Breath of Heart 17 - You Belong to the CityBackground image for Wind ~ A Breath of Heart 17 - You Belong to the City

Wind ~ A Breath of Heart 17 - You Belong to the City

After a long time without much required effort, I bring you the 17th and final episode of Wind ~ A Breath of Heart. (Episode is numbered ...

ReDone Subs