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Featured image for (#MechaMarch2023) Mighty OrbotsBackground image for (#MechaMarch2023) Mighty Orbots

(#MechaMarch2023) Mighty Orbots

Localization? More Like Collaboration!  So this is an interesting one to talk about. I did a lot of research on this topic during my small amount of free…

Mechanical Anime Reviews

East Meets West: The Western/Japanese Animation Collaborations of the ‘80s

Outsourced and In Demand While anime fandom didn't truly explode in the United States until the 1990s, future fans were getting their first taste of anime

Anime Herald

Featured image for Akio Sugino’s Brief Reflections on a Long CareerBackground image for Akio Sugino’s Brief Reflections on a Long Career

Akio Sugino’s Brief Reflections on a Long Career

In this 2018 book, Osamu Dezaki’s long-time partner in crime Akio Sugino briefly takes us through his recollections of Dezaki and others throughout his career.

Heisei Etranger

So lets recap UK Anime Fans

Thank you dear reader, for taking the time to scan and take-in what I have posted over these years, on My UK Anime Fandom Journey of nosta...

The Anime Nostalgia Facility UK

The Other Half of the Golden Combo: Akio Sugino Interview – Establishing Annapuru (Part 4/6)

“When the production for Tomorrow’s Joe 2 was confirmed, we pleaded with the company president to let us just focus on Tomorrow’s Joe 2 instead of working on…

Heisei Etranger