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34 results

Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions – Take On Me Roundtable #2 – Digital & Background Staff
This is a newly translated roundtable featuring the staff involved with the digital and background portions of Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions – Take On Me!- (background art,…

Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions – Take On Me! Roundtable #1: Hand-drawn Animation Staff
This is a newly translated roundtable featuring the staff involved with the hand-drawn animation portion of Love, Chuniybo, & Other Delusions – Take On Me (key animation and in-betweens).…

The Peculiar Case of Chuunibyou
So, recently, I’ve been watching some sports anime.

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Season 1: Like a Laser
I had heard about this series for a while, yet had no inclination to watch it. However I was bored one day and after browsing through Netflix, I…
A Big Dumb Rikka Defense Video - Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
Edited by Kor His YouTube channel: His Twitter: Antwan's YouTube channel: His Sophia video: Minion The Demon's YouTube channel: His Chunibyo Season 2 Finale reaction video: Channel Icon by:…
Minion, Nichijou - My Ordinary Life, Red Data Girl, Fruits Basket, Wish Upon the Pleiades
What Are Your Five Favorite Non-Shonen Anime? Here are Ours!
One of our Twitch streamers, negativeprimes, recently tagged a number of our staffers on a Twitter post that’s making the rounds asking users to name their five favorite…
Fruits Basket, Interviews with Monster Girls, Library War, Monster, A Place Further Than the Universe
Guest Post: Love, Christianity, and Other (True) Delusions
Today’s guest post is by sleepminusminus, who previously wrote a wonderful article on Hyouka for us. Today, he posts on another beloved anime of that era: Chuunibyou, Love,…

Episode 21: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
In this episode, Shaun takes a look at the dark, cringy side of everyone's childhood with the slice-of-life comedy Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions. Meanwhile, Remington is more focused…

r#67 – love, chunibyo & other delusions!: rikka version
First of all, this probably is my last review for Chu-2 Byo series considering I already posted a lot about this series. For some reason, I’m a bit…

r#62 – love, chunibyo & other delusions!: heart throb
Haro, anime friends, how are you today? Remember my review about the first season of Chu-2 Byo demo Koi ga Shitai a couple weeks ago? It seems that…

r#55 – love, chunibyo & other delusions!: sparkling… slapstick noel
I am the Dark Flame Master. Perish, enveloped in the flames of darkness! — Togashi Yuuta. I just woke up and realize that I let my laptop turned…
Protected: r#19 – love, chunibyo & other delusions! rikka version – native language
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
OtakuGeneration (Show #533) Gokinjo Monogatari / Neighborhood Story
Shownotes :: (show 533) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Gokinjo Monogatari / Neighborhood Story, recorded live August 23rd, 2015. This…
Neighborhood Stories, Kamigami no Asobi, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, Vampire Hunter D
OtakuGeneration (Show #532) Corpse Party
Shownotes :: (show 532) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Corpse Party, recorded live August 16th, 2015. This week we watched…
Fairy Tail, Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, Vampire Hunter D
OtakuGeneration (Show #531) Intervention 6
Shownotes :: (show 531) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Intervention 6, recorded live August 7th, 2015. We talked with Oni…
Fate/stay night, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, The Future Diary, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, Vampire Hunter D
OtakuGeneration (Show #530) Harbor Light Monogatari
Shownotes :: (show 530) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Harbor Light Monogatari, recorded live August 2nd, 2015. We watched an…
Natsume's Book of Friends, Space Brothers, The Future Diary, Daily Lives of High School Boys, Fairy Tail
OtakuGeneration (Show #507) Amagi Brilliant Park
Shownotes :: (show 507) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Amagi Brilliant Park, recorded live February 22nd, 2015. This week we…
Amagi Brilliant Park, Tiger & Bunny, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Space Brothers, Tiger & Bunny: The Movie - The Rising
OtakuGeneration (Show #506) Nobunaga Concerto
Shownotes :: (show 506) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Nobunaga Concerto, recorded live February 15th, 2015. This week watched some…
Holy Knight, Kill la Kill, Nobunaga Concerto, Space Brothers, Tiger & Bunny: The Movie - The Rising
OtakuGeneration (Show #505) Future Diary
Shownotes :: (show 505) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Future Diary, recorded live February 1st, 2015. This week we talked…
Diabolik Lovers, Engaged to the Unidentified, Flame of Recca, Tiger & Bunny: The Movie - The Rising, Future Diary
OtakuGeneration (Show #504) Junk Head 1
Shownotes :: (show 504) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Junk Head 1, recorded live February 1st, 2015. This week we…
Flame of Recca, Golden Time, Holy Knight, Hozuki's Coolheadedness, Kill la Kill

Anime Review: Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
Name : Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou Aired: April 4, 2014 to June 20, 2014 Producers : Brains Base, Sentai Filmworks Content…
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

Anime Characters That Look Alike 1.0
Don't you ever get the feeling when you watch an anime with a familiar character, but you can't remember where you…
The Irregular at Magic High School, Future Diary, Angel Beats!, Gurren Lagann, Mayo Chiki!

OtakuGeneration (Show #468) Super Kuma-san
Shownotes :: (show 468) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Super Kuma-san, recorded live May 26th, 2014. This week we watched a very unique "short…

OtakuGeneration (Show #467) Maison Ikkoku
Shownotes :: (show 467) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Maison Ikkoku, recorded live May 18th, 2014. This week we watched the live action movie…
Aquarion, Aquarion Evol, Fairy Tail, Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
OtakuGeneration (Show #466) Golden Time
Shownotes :: (show 466) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Golden Time, recorded live May 11th, 2014. This week we watched…
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East, Aquarion, DearS, Deltora Quest, Dragon Ball Z
OtakuGeneration (Show #465) Broken Blade
Shownotes :: (show 465) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Broken Blade, recorded live May 4th, 2014. This week we sat…
Working with Voice!, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Motto To Love Ru, Aquarion, Aquarion Evol

Weekly Roundup – Winter 2014 final impressions – 1/2
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – 11 & 12 Rather than angry, I’m…
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb -, Engaged to the Unidentified

Weekly Roundup – 2014/03/16
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Kill la Kill; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei; Noragami; Sakura Trick; Space Dandy.
Nora, Space Dandy, Witch Craft Works, Kill la Kill, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb -

Weekly Roundup – 2014/03/08
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Kill la Kill; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei; Noragami; Sakura Trick; Space Dandy.
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb -, Kill la Kill, Engaged to the Unidentified, Nora

Weekly Roundup – 2014/03/01
Shows discussed: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren; Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha; Kill la Kill; Mikakunin de Shinkoukei; Noragami; Sakura Trick; Space Dandy; Witch Craft Works.
Kill la Kill, Nora, Noragami, Space Dandy, Witch Craft Works

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Episode 1: Take Nothing Seriously
Returning from last year, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren hasn’t done anything to change whatever your opinion is about the first season. While there are quite a…
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb -

Outbreak Company ~ Review
Outbreak Company ~ Review “References… references everywhere…!!” You gotta love it when you’re watching a particular anime series and they reference a series that you …
Detective Opera Milky Holmes, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea, Outbreak Company

“Contract Renewed” – Chuunibyou and Season II
As you can tell, I haven’t written anything for ages. So yeah. Hi everybody. Hope you missed me. Well anyway, in case you haven’t been keeping up to…

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! – Review
Hey, remember when you were 14 and you thought you were some cursed magic warrior from another realm sent here to defeat the evil Shadow-Somethings by the Ruler…