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Featured image for Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1Background image for Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1

Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1

What have I watched in the first months of 2023? I write about what anime I've watched so far this year and the challenge I've take on...

A Girl & Her Anime

Featured image for Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1Background image for Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1

Anime I Watched In 2023: Part 1

What have I watched in the first months of 2023? I write about what anime I've watched so far this year and the challenge I've take on...

A Girl & Her Anime

Human Lost

By Jonathan Clements. Tokyo, 2036. A revolution in medical treatments has conquered death. Thanks to the SHELL system, which controls a benign plague of nanomachines, human beings no…

All the Anime

Human Lost: Cyberpunk Crossing the Divides

Much like I took a song and wrote a sci-fi out of it, Human Lost does the same to Osamu Dazai’s No Longer Human…

The Animanga Spellbook

No Longer Hyped – A Review of Human Lost

The 1948 novel Ningen Shikkaku, known in the west as No Longer Human, is considered a masterpiece of literature in Japan. It is considered autobiographical, as the torment…

Sakura Sunrise