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3 results

Featured image for Unlimited Continues and Limited EnjoymentBackground image for Unlimited Continues and Limited Enjoyment

Unlimited Continues and Limited Enjoyment

Cotton Fantasy arrived this month. It’s a cute, colorful, charming little shooter in all respects, and I said as much in my full review . I...

Kid Fenris

Featured image for Eagle Sam The Anime Olympic EagleBackground image for Eagle Sam The Anime Olympic Eagle

Eagle Sam The Anime Olympic Eagle

Japanese animation, anime, cartoons, manga, 1960-1990, Tezuka, Miyazaki, Ishinomori, Matsumoto, Yamato, Gatchaman, Star Blazers, Captain Harlock

let's anime

Redshift #33

Here we are again! This post covers attention to older anime between the previous post and 1 August. We’ll aim (aim!) to get a post covering activity in August…

Anime Redshift Chronicle