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October 1990 Pt.7 AnimeUK Newsletter

AnimeUK Newsletter. AnimeUK Newsletter, Consisting of 16 pages, #2 October 1990. Editor: Helen McCarthy.  And was available by subscrip...

The Anime Nostalgia Facility UK

Review: Listeners Episode 10 Best in Show

Quick Summary In Listeners episode 10, “Cross Road Blues,” Echo came to full consciousness in a dilapidated dairy barn. Janis cheerfully informed him that she’d found him unconsci…

Crow's World of Anime

Listeners – 9, 10

「フリーダム / クロスロード・ブルース」 (Furiidamu / Kurosuroudo Buruusu) "Freedom / Cross Road Blues" Listeners has been a coin flip simulator. Some weeks, it's good. Some weeks, it's not good. But it's…

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