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3 results

Featured image for Bakumatsu no SpasiboBackground image for Bakumatsu no Spasibo

Bakumatsu no Spasibo

Yet another project that began in the deep, dark past. Bakumatsu no Spasibo ( Gratitude in the Bakumatsu ) is a 1997 movie about Russian adm...

Collectr's Blog

Featured image for Kageyama Tamio no Double FantasyBackground image for Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy

Kageyama Tamio was a Japanese actor and writer. He is probably best known to anime audiences for his book Coo: Tooi Umi Kara Kita Coo , whic...

Collectr's Blog

Reflections on Sasurai-kun

I’ve typically never been highly enthused by any anime created by either of the Fujiko Fujio team. Typically their manga and subsequent anime adaptations have either felt redundant,…

AnimeNation Anime News Blog