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20 results


In a cyberpunk dystopian universe written by people who can't stop thinking about late-stage capitalist cyberpunk dystopian universes, a kid has a really bad day. It only gets…

Dysfunctional Families

No matter if you're a hardcore X-MEN fan, or just a fan of the classic 1993 animated series, XM97 will completely blow you away with how much its…

Page Me Wolverine

In this action-packed, [CYCLOPS_VISOR_NOISE_97.WAV]-buzzing two-episode premiere, Marvel Animation Studios reminds you whose the fucking boss of superhero cartoons in the greatest comic franchise to be animated. Again. For…

An Uncanny Revival

Fill your largest bowl up with the most American sugar-laden cereal you have and drench it with whole milk. The X-MEN are back, bub, and you don't want…

Broadway Degenerate

When 4chan told every furry to "yiff in hell", they probably were not prepared for someone to emerge over a decade later and cash out on that threat.…

Even Older Canadian Idiot

Nineteen years seems like a pretty long time to finally get a proper animated series based on the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series, but now is as good…

Weight Distribution

High-speed sports car, high-speed open-wheel cars, angel butts, booth babes, scared cameramen, flying drones, and family restaurants. This is podracing.

Forge and Reforge

Why do we keep letting Netflix get away with just dropping the fucking Animated Show of the Year with zero marketing and barely six tweets?

Marinating On a Season

Blogger's Log, Stardate Whatever-Fucking-Thursday this is; The final Lower Decks episode of the season has aired. I'm cancelling Paramount+ now. Good day.

The Cartoons That Made Us

Take a fantastical trip back through animation history with this old asshole as he makes fun of internet trolls for being fucking stupid as usual.

Unfinished Business

Rick and Morty 100 years! Or at least maybe ten minutes.

Hot Tomato Soup

Just when you thought stuffing a girl into a dog was terrible parenting, hold your UDP packets, Prospera Mercury has joined the battle.

Move Quadralateral Gain Pineapple

What if you made a Gundam series about school days, capitalism, AND war is bad? BUT WAIT-- THERE'S MORE--

Initials D Through MF and O

Two car animes in one season, and one of them is the legendary sequel to Initial D? Boy, I'm at FULL mast.

Cagalli is Crying and Other Bedtime Stories

Somehow, Gundam SEED has returned, and like old sith lords, it will likely be underwhelming and completely undermined by a Mary Sue.

The Resurrection: Part Three

The blog is back. But what does an almost-forty-year-old man do with a goddamn weeb blog?

Infinite Fucking Baby

Someone pointed out the other day that the first season of Rick and Morty premiered seven years ago. Sure enough, the show began in December of 2013 and…

Evangelion 3.0+1.0: The Final Insult

Four movies, and fourteen years later, we’re finally at the end of Mister Anno’s Wild Ride. When I first reviewed Evangelion 1.11 back in 2010, we hadn’t yet…

Who Reboots the Reboot?

Most people my age fondly remember “Saturday Morning Cartoons” as being the somewhat golden era of animation, even though by most internet historians and fifty-something single nerds still…

Apex Down

As all cool kids clubs end in cults and tragedy, so does the BK Kids Club in Book Three of the Train.