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Featured image for Majik Hunting- Ichi Style! Ichi The Witch Chapter 3 BREAKDOWNBackground image for Majik Hunting- Ichi Style! Ichi The Witch Chapter 3 BREAKDOWN

Majik Hunting- Ichi Style! Ichi The Witch Chapter 3 BREAKDOWN

Hello, everyone. Chapter 3 “Madan No Itchi” is now in the history books, and IT- has given us a lot to talk about. 1)More cute Descarras moments 2)Ichi’s chara…

World King Nero

Featured image for The Weather Maiden’s Misadventure In Lego Castle!! One Piece Chapter 1,127 BREAKDOWNBackground image for The Weather Maiden’s Misadventure In Lego Castle!! One Piece Chapter 1,127 BREAKDOWN

The Weather Maiden’s Misadventure In Lego Castle!! One Piece Chapter 1,127 BREAKDOWN

Oh how I’ve missed this. Still not necessarily “back” at it yet, but I’m taking steps. This is one of those steps. I plan on doing a large post for the c…

World King Nero

Featured image for Cops And Delinquents?! Dead Rock Chapter 15 BREAKDOWNBackground image for Cops And Delinquents?! Dead Rock Chapter 15 BREAKDOWN

Cops And Delinquents?! Dead Rock Chapter 15 BREAKDOWN

Hello, all. I’m in the midst of another post for another series I’m adding to the roster of series we discuss. I had work most of the week, and by…

World King Nero

Featured image for Meet The New Magic User On The Block! Ichi The Witch FIRST IMPRESSIONSBackground image for Meet The New Magic User On The Block! Ichi The Witch FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Meet The New Magic User On The Block! Ichi The Witch FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Hey, Everyone. I could tell you “I’m working on a few things(and that’s the Honest-To-God Truth),” but that would just make me sound like a broken f*ckin’ record.&nbsp…

World King Nero