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4 results

The Second Manifesto of Néojaponisme

Maybe websites are not the answer. In the old age of our second decade (website years are like dog years), print may be a better match.


Mix: The Best of Shibuya-kei, Volume One

The time has been right for a new mix that showcases, celebrates, and reintroduces the best tracks from Shibuya-kei’s peak years: dj david, mon amour - “The Best…


Pizzicato Five Discography: Canon and Posthumous 1998-2006

Ametora author W. David Marx listened to every single major release from legendary Shibuya-kei band, Pizzicato Five, so you don't have to. Here are his thoughts over a…


The Year 2015 in Japan

2015: Living Through Inexorable Change / W. David MARX Ever since the Japanese economic miracle came to an end in the 1990s, Western analysts and critics have spewed…
