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23 results

Featured image for Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog.Background image for Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog.

Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog.

Another kind-of recent show for this project. I have many more shows planned here; some I’ve watched and covered before, and some I’ll be watching for the first…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for After 12-ish months…Background image for After 12-ish months…

After 12-ish months…

More recently I began to think about the position I was in this time last year. By that I don’t mean real-life things (that’s a completely different story…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for An indefinite hiatus.Background image for An indefinite hiatus.

An indefinite hiatus.

I have something to say. And I’m going to keep this brief, because I don’t really want to waffle. I say this blog is important to me, and…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Do you even have the time anymore?Background image for Do you even have the time anymore?

Do you even have the time anymore?

That’s a question I’ve been asking a lot recently. I’ve recently returned to full-time work, and though I know that is no excuse whatsoever, my time spent with…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: Exception.Background image for Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: Exception.

Everyone is Telling Me to Hate: Exception.

I had initially planned on a holiday-themed post to be the one before the start of 2024, but I’m rather excited in getting this little project going. It…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for 2024 plans.Background image for 2024 plans.

2024 plans.

(I didn’t even bother with a witty title for this post. Written hastily in less than 30 minutes…) Hi. So it’s almost 2024. And this blog has been…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.Background image for Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.

Fate/Extra: Last Encore: The beautiful nightmare.

You can go to many Fate fans and ask them what their favorite one of the franchise is. Many can talk about the original Fate/Stay Night from 2006,…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Dawn Fall: possibly the edgiest show you have seen.Background image for Dawn Fall: possibly the edgiest show you have seen.

Dawn Fall: possibly the edgiest show you have seen.

The year is 2062, and Earth is at war with a powerful AI that has left the surface a toxic wasteland. In the hope of taking it down…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for How I escaped the Church of Madoka.Background image for How I escaped the Church of Madoka.

How I escaped the Church of Madoka.

Thanks SHAFT. Thanks a lot. The fourth Madoka Magica movie is coming sooner than we thought. And now I’ve actually seen the trailer this morning, a lot of…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for This is not my lovestruck and horny anime character.Background image for This is not my lovestruck and horny anime character.

This is not my lovestruck and horny anime character.

I already announced that I’m making a return to writing here on Anime Solstice, and so it feels a little strange that my first proper post back is…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for The future here.Background image for The future here.

The future here.

Just a short one this time. In the last post, I talked about how much apathy I was getting in watching shows. Looking back at it, I think…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Apathy is the enemy of accomplishment.Background image for Apathy is the enemy of accomplishment.

Apathy is the enemy of accomplishment.

I’m writing this post sitting up on my bed at 6am because I can’t get back to sleep. This isn’t a scripted or drafted post either; just words…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for That one character.Background image for That one character.

That one character.

Have you ever read a really awful fan-fiction of your favorite anime character, where the writer pictured them as all powerful? Or even where the writer has them…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Disney+: The new kid in town.Background image for Disney+: The new kid in town.

Disney+: The new kid in town.

Maybe Disney+ and anime are two things you wouldn’t see pictured together. As more people are turning more to streaming services than television, it makes sense that all…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for A winter hibernation would really be so wonderful.Background image for A winter hibernation would really be so wonderful.

A winter hibernation would really be so wonderful.

Just so you know, I am aware that it’s been around 6 months since my last post. I’m actually surprised that people seemed to like my post about…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for In EX-ARM’s defense.Background image for In EX-ARM’s defense.

In EX-ARM’s defense.

Oh, I know what you’re thinking. “EX-ARM? A good show?! How dare you!!!” Well, at least what I would think when this is casually brought up in conversation…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for Shimamura’s Catch-22.Background image for Shimamura’s Catch-22.

Shimamura’s Catch-22.

You either found her extremely fascinating or extremely frustrating. Shimamura was someone who divided opinion when Adachi & Shimamura came out. With so many yuri shows that came…

Anime Solstice

Featured image for A roadmap.Background image for A roadmap.

A roadmap.

Delay, delay, delay, delay. Why do I even bother sometimes?? I look at this blog and I see the last post was back in November, when I talked…

Anime Solstice

Who I am.

Alright, this post was meant to go out a good month ago, and I have no reason for delaying it. I’m just a terrible blogger, with no real…

Anime Solstice

My return to Revue Starlight: J’ai besoin de m’améliorer en Français.

Every week I say I’ll think of a decent title for my Revue Starlight posts, and every week they never happen. So now we’re at the last one,…

Anime Solstice

My return to Revue Starlight: The Yuri Has Been Doubled!

In case you haven’t been following, this is post number 4 in my Revue Starlight project. These posts weren’t meant to go in any kind of chronological order,…

Anime Solstice

My return to Revue Starlight: The Official Mahiru Tsuyuzaki Fan Club.

Sooooo…you can take a wild guess at what this third post is going to be about. That one girl who chases after her beloved Karen, who feels left…

Anime Solstice

My return to Revue Starlight: Part 2, Electric Boogaloo.

I’m a fair bit into Revue Starlight now. (Ba)karen has stormed into the fight club causing all kinds of ripples, but she’s the idiot main protagonist, so we…

Anime Solstice